How effective are vitamins and supplements

Many of us believe that with a lack of vitamin dishes, fruits, herbs, and vegetables in the diet, it is possible to compensate with the vitamins and various supplements, which is huge.

However, as shown by the latest study, researchers from Tufts University, only the nutrients in natural foods can benefit the body, and supplementation is ineffective.

The researchers studied approximately 27,000 people and found that certain nutrients in food, not in supplements, may reduce the risk of premature death. First of all, this applies to vitamins A and K as well as magnesium and zinc.

“There are many people who eat poorly and try to compensate for this by taking vitamins. You can’t replace an unhealthy diet with a handful of pills. The best option is a balanced diet consisting of fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, and fish. It’s much better than spending money on food additives”, – commented the study results, Professor Tom Sanders.

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