
General description of the disease

This is the growth of coarse stem hair in women in androgen-dependent zones: chest, abdomen, face, back, thighs, nostrils, ears. Hair growth is masculine.[3]… From 2 to 10% of women suffer from this disease. This disease must be distinguished from hypertrichosis, which is characterized by hair growth in women in androgen-independent zones.

Hirsutism often accompanies anemia, infertility and menstrual irregularities. Hirsutism is not just a cosmetic problem, it is a serious disorder, therefore, patients with such a diagnosis should be monitored by an endocrinologist and gynecologist.

Residents of the Caucasus and the Mediterranean are more susceptible to hirsutism, less often women from Europe and Asia suffer from it.

Types of hirsutism

There are such types of disease:

  • the family or constitutional form occurs when the level of male sex hormones in the blood is normal for women;
  • the neuroendocrine form occurs against the background of an increased level of androgens in the patient’s body;
  • the iatrogenic form develops as a result of prolonged and uncontrolled intake of hormonal drugs such as oral contraceptives or glucocorticoids;
  • an idiopathic form, the causes of which have not yet been established.

The causes of hirsutism

With the development of hirsutism, soft, vellus colorless hair turns into hard and dark under the influence of certain factors. Typically, hirsutism can result from an excess of male hormones, a side effect of medication, or a genetic predisposition.

Increased production of androgens in a woman’s body can be triggered by the following conditions:

  1. 1 impaired pituitary function or primary damage to the pituitary gland;
  2. 2 imbalance in ovarian function. In this case, hirsutism accompanies menstrual irregularities or infertility;
  3. 3 adrenal tumors.

With a genetic predisposition to hirsutism, the disease has been traced in the family for several generations and this is regarded not as a pathology, but as a norm.

Long-term use of hormonal pills, streptomycin, carbamazepine, interferon and other drugs can cause hirsutism.

In addition, the causes of the development of the disease can be age-related and physiological conditions, which are accompanied by hormonal changes in the body: premature puberty, menopause or pregnancy.

Symptoms of hirsutism

The main manifestation of the disease is male body hair growth in women. Coarse dark hair grows on the buttocks, in the chest, on the inner thighs, on the face, which causes serious psychological problems in women. The severity of excessive hair growth depends on the concentration of male sex hormones in the blood.

In addition, hirsutism is often accompanied by increased oiliness of the skin and hair, acne on the face and shoulders, amenorrhea, in some cases, an increased level of androgens can lead to baldness. In girls during puberty, there is a delayed development of the mammary glands.

During menopause, the functions of the ovaries fade away in women, and a serious hormonal change occurs in the body. Some people begin to develop male body hair, which is accompanied by increased sweating, hot flashes, sleep disturbances and amenorrhea.

Diagnosis “Idiopathic hirsutism“Endocrinologists put in when, during a medical examination, they did not find a pathological cause of excess hair growth. As a rule, idiopathic hirsutism manifests itself after 25-30 years, while patients do not complain of problems associated with the menstrual cycle, characteristic of other forms of hirsutism.

Hirsutism associated with polycystic ovary disease is associated with obesity, dandruff, oily skin prone to acne, and pain in the lower abdomen. These symptoms are associated with hormonal disorders in the woman’s body.

The most common companions of hirsutism are:

  • acne, common in girls during puberty. The cause of acne on the face and body is a change in hormonal levels. The factor that provokes acne in hirsutism is a malfunction of the ovaries, usually polycystic;
  • obesity with male-pattern hair growth is observed when the hypothalamus malfunctions, with prolonged intake of hormones and adrenal tumors;
  • dysmenorrhea accompanies hirsutism with pathologies of the ovaries and adrenal glands, patients complain of increased fatigue, headaches.

Complications of hirsutism

Hirsutism is essentially a cosmetic defect that does not always require drug therapy. It does not pose a danger to a woman’s life; it is enough to periodically remove coarse hair. However, if you notice signs of hirsutism in yourself, then it is better to consult an endocrinologist, since abnormal hair growth can be a symptom of serious diseases:

  1. 1 diabetes. Often the cause of hirsutism is hormonal disorders, as a result of which some patients develop diabetes mellitus, which affects the walls of blood vessels, the immune system and has a detrimental effect on the body as a whole;
  2. 2 mental disorders. Hormonal disruptions can lead to depression, and in some cases even to bouts of aggression. Hormone surges in some patients can cause mood swings;
  3. 3 adrenal neoplasms can cause the production of male sex hormones, while pressure surges and a significant decrease in immunity are observed;
  4. 4 sudden uterine bleeding is caused by changes in the inner layers of the uterus, which provoke hormonal failure;
  5. 5 ovarian neoplasms. Even benign tumors affect the functioning of the pelvic organs. Malignant tumors threaten the patient’s life.

If hirsutism is caused by an increased amount of male sex hormones in a woman, then with untimely treatment, they develop masculine features: the voice becomes rough, the production of vaginal lubrication stops, libido increases, baldness begins in the temporal region, and muscle mass increases.

Prevention of hirsutism

The best prevention of hirsutism is a healthy diet, moderate exercise, and avoiding bad habits. All these factors make it possible to keep the endocrine glands in a healthy state.

Treatment of hirsutism in mainstream medicine

A mild form of hirsutism, not accompanied by menstrual irregularities, does not require special treatment. But usually this disease is a consequence of an increased concentration of the level of androgens in the blood, so the gynecologist prescribes medications, the action of which is aimed at lowering the level of testosterone. Taking these medications prevents the appearance of new hair, but does not stop the growth of existing ones.

The course of treatment with hormones can last up to 6 months. However, antiandrogens are not indicated for hirsutism in pregnant women.

Complex therapy also provides for the improvement of the thyroid gland and liver. The liver is responsible for the elimination of toxins and harmful substances; if it does not work correctly, excess hormones do not leave the body. Therefore, with hirsutism, a thorough cleaning of the liver with hepatoprotectors is indicated.

Dysfunction of the thyroid gland negatively affects the work of the ovaries, in addition, it produces less iodine, which has a bactericidal effect on the blood. Therefore, an endocrinologist’s consultation is required.

In cosmetology, hirsutism is fought in different ways. Coarse pigmented hair is plucked, shaved, removed with a depilatory cream, wax or shugaring method. If the hair growth is not significant, then the hairs can be discolored using hydrogen peroxide. Today, the most effective way to get rid of excessive hair growth is considered to be photoepilation, which destroys the hair follicle.

Useful foods for hirsutism

Nutritional therapy for hirsutism is aimed at reducing the level of male sex hormones in the blood of patients. Nutritionists recommend minimizing the intake of saturated and animal fats and adding more fresh fruits, herbs and vegetables to your diet, replacing fatty fish and meat with lean ones.

Insoluble coffee can help reduce testosterone levels in women. While coffee is in the body, testosterone is not produced.

Flaxseed and pumpkin oil and products containing zinc have shown themselves well as androgens: pumpkin seeds, oysters, chicken hearts, beef liver, raw yolks[2].

Pollen has antiandrogenic properties, improves sexual function and stabilizes thyroid function.

Whole milk and soy products are useful for normalizing testosterone. For patients with hirsutism, experts recommend drinking at least one and a half liters of water every day.

The plant gives good results in reducing the level of testosterone in the blood.Bitter cucumber“Or”Bitter melon“. Asia is considered the birthplace of this plant, but this annual heat-loving plant can be grown at home or in a greenhouse.

Traditional medicine for hirsutism

  • mint is a female herb that lowers the level of male sex hormones in the blood. Traditional healers recommend drinking half a glass of mint decoction three times a day for 3 months: 2 tbsp. pour 0,5 liters of boiling water and insist for 30-40 minutes;
  • lubricate the places of excessive hair growth with the juice of an unripe walnut;
  • Pour 2 kg of pine nut shells with 2 liters of water and simmer in the oven for 1 hour, then strain the remaining liquid and lubricate the areas of hair growth;
  • Pour 1 cup of brown chestnut peel with 2 cups of boiling water, boil for ¾ and treat problem areas with the remaining liquid;
  • have long been getting rid of unwanted hair with the help of dope. The areas of hair growth were smeared with a decoction of the leaves and stem of the plant;
  • squeeze lemon juice, add 1 tbsp water and 3 tbsp. sugar, boil the resulting mixture to a state resembling chewing gum, cool, apply to the place of hair growth and remove abruptly;
  • 2 parts of St. John’s wort, the same amount of linden flowers, dandelion roots and mint leaves mixed with 3 parts of sage herb. 1 tbsp the received fee to fill in 1 tbsp. boiling water, leave for ½ hour and drink for 4 months at 1/4 tbsp. 4 times a day;
  • you can get rid of antennae above the upper lip by lubricating them with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. Lubricate the antennae 2-3 times a day, rinse with water after drying. Over time, the hairs will become colorless and thin[1];
  • the shells of unripe nuts are roasted to ashes, a few drops of water are added to the ashes and the places of hair growth are treated with the resulting mass;
  • you can get rid of leg hair with a regular pumice stone. Thoroughly lather the steamed skin and remove the hair with a pumice stone, then rinse off the soap, wipe your feet and treat with a fat cream.

Dangerous and harmful foods for hirsutism

The hormonal disruption that provokes hirsutism is difficult to regulate with nutrition. The foods we eat do not affect the functioning of the ovaries and thyroid gland. However, endocrinologists recommend avoiding the following foods:

  • hot sauces with spices;
  • exclude net carbohydrates from the diet;
  • minimize the use of baking and flour products;
  • exclude animal and trans fats.
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