Hearing loss

General description of the disease

This is a hearing disorder in which the ability to pick up, recognize, and detect sound waves is impaired. According to statistics, about 3% of people from all over the world are struggling with this disease.

Types and causes of hearing loss

Hearing loss can be of 3 types: conductive, sensorineural and combined.

Under conductive hearing loss refers to problems with hearing ability that occur when sound is transmitted to the inner ear through the outer and middle ear. This type of hearing loss can develop at different levels of the ear.

Causes of conductive hearing loss

Problems with the perception of sounds in the outer ear can begin due to sulfur plugs, otitis externa, tumors, or as a result of abnormal ear development. As for the middle ear, hearing loss can occur against the background of otosclerosis, otitis media of a chronic or acute course, with damage to the Eustachian tube or the bones responsible for hearing.

This type of hearing loss is treatable without the use of hearing aids.

Sensorineural hearing loss occurs due to damage to the apparatus responsible for the perception of sound (the inner ear, the auditory center of the brain, or the vestibular cochlear nerve may be damaged). With such damage, the sound power is not only reduced, but also distorted. Also, the level of the pain threshold decreases – strong or unpleasant sounds that you did not pay attention to before now cause pain. Against the background of all these factors, spoken language is also impaired.

The reasons for the development sensorineural hearing loss are: age-related changes (mainly senile), impaired blood supply to the auditory nerve, exposure to loud noise without any ear protection, taking certain medications (for example, taking quinine, cisplatin and some individual antibiotics), transfer or presence diseases such as: mumps, meningitis, neuritis of the hearing nerve, multiple sclerosis, rubella in a pregnant woman (the mother’s fetus suffers).

This type of hearing loss cannot be treated in any way; in this case, only the selection and installation of a hearing aid will help.

Mixed (combined) hearing loss

A combination of several signs or injuries in one patient. With this type of hearing loss, it is corrected by taking medication and installing a hearing aid.

Degrees of hearing loss

With hearing loss, the decrease in hearing ability occurs gradually. There are 2 stages of the disease, which determine its degree. There is a progressive and stable stage of hearing loss.

In order to determine the degree of the disease, it is necessary to conduct audiometry. During it, the patient is given to distinguish the flow of sounds at different frequencies. The lower the sound volume, the lower the degree of hearing loss.

Normally, a person hears from 0 to 25 decibels (dB).

At the 1st degree the patient has difficulty distinguishing between quiet sounds and speech in an environment with increased noise. The frequency that a person perceives ranges from 25 to 40 dB.

The inability to recognize soft sounds and sounds of medium volume (40-55 dB) indicates the presence 2nd degree of hearing loss… Also, the patient has problems with the difference in sound waves in the background noise.

The patient does not hear most of the sounds, when talking, he raises his voice greatly – this 3rd degree hearing loss (the volume at which he hears sounds is in the range of 55-70 dB).

At the 4st degree The deaf patient hears only excessively loud, screaming sounds, communicates with the help of gestures for the deaf-mute or uses a hearing aid, the audible volume falls on a scale between 70 and 90 dB.

If a person cannot hear sounds of more than 90 dB, he becomes completely deaf.

Useful products for hearing loss

Hearing abilities are directly dependent on the activity of the brain. Therefore, in order to improve the hearing condition, it is necessary to eat healthy food and strictly limit the calorie intake and it is strictly forbidden to pass. Scientists have proven that a small lack of calories helps nerve cells multiply quickly, and also helps to increase the production of neurotrophins, which are responsible for saturating neurons with oxygen and are responsible for their activity. To improve the activity of the brain, it is necessary to include in the diet fish oil, green tea, cocoa, grapes, strawberries, blueberries, green tea.

For good brain activity, the body needs flavonols, which can be obtained by consuming chocolate, chicory, red wine, parsley, apples, Kuril tea.

To improve hearing, the body should receive polyunsaturated fatty acids (they can be obtained by eating seafood and vegetable oils), folic acid (to replenish it, you should eat more vegetables (especially leafy ones), legumes, melons, carrots, pumpkin, avocados).

In order to prevent harmful substances that slow down the generation of neurons from entering the body, curcumin should be added to dishes.

A well-active brain means good hearing. That’s all for the simple rule.

Traditional medicine for hearing loss:

  • Every day you need to drink 200 milliliters of hot broth from hop cones. In addition, it is necessary to bury the ears with almond oil. To do this, you need to bury 7 drops alternately in one ear. One day, bury the right ear, the next – the left ear. Adhere to this technique for 30 days, then take the same break and repeat the monthly course.
  • If the hearing loss has caused neuritis of the hearing nerve, then it is necessary to apply hot compresses on the ears. You can use hot sand, salt (always placed in a linen bag), a Sollux lamp. Propolis emulsion also helps. First, an infusion of alcohol is prepared (with 50 milliliters of alcohol, 20 grams of propolis are poured, insisted for a week, after 7 days, the tincture must be filtered). Olive or corn oil should be added to the resulting alcoholic tincture, keeping to a ratio of 1 to 4. The resulting oily-alcoholic emulsion should be impregnated with turundas made of gauze and introduced into the ear canal, kept for 1.5 to 2 days. The total number of such procedures should be 10.
  • Eat a quarter of the peeled lemon daily.
  • During the day, for 3 approaches, drink a glass of warm milk with 1 teaspoon of birch tar. Take within 45 days.
  • Previously, for deafness, in the villages, they used an infusion of marsh geranium, with which they washed their heads.
  • Make lotions with rue and almond oil. For this, a cotton swab moistened with oil is placed in the ear canal.
  • Drink tea made from red rose petals, with eleutherococcus and white cross.

Remember! Traditional medicine cannot replace medical treatment. Therefore, before any use of traditional medicine recipes, seek the advice of an ENT. With sensorineural hearing loss, only hearing aids can help.

Hazardous and harmful products for hearing loss

You need to limit or eliminate altogether foods that are high in saturated fat and cholesterol. They reduce the ability of the brain to perceive speech, inhibit the function of thinking and reduce memory. These products include pork, eggs, whole milk, smoked meats, butter.


The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!

Nutrition for other diseases:

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