Healthy diet, 7 days, -4 kg

Losing weight up to 4 kg in 7 days.

The average daily calorie content is 1250 Kcal.

Many of us believe that all weight loss diets involve dietary restrictions that can harm the body. Of course, hardly anyone wants to do something bad for themselves. So what should you do if you want to lose weight? A healthy diet will help us. Let’s find out how to lose weight without torturing the body.

Requirements for a healthy diet

A balanced diet is designed to help you lose weight without harming your health. At the same time, it is important to take into account the nutritional value, calorie content, variety of food, the amount and time of meals, and drink enough liquid.

Nutrition means the presence of proteins, carbohydrates, fats in the diet, as well as the vitamin composition of food. Without all this, it is very difficult for the body to work properly and fully. If there is a shortage of one or another component, you can learn firsthand about dry skin, brittle nails, fading and hair loss, malfunctions of internal organs and other negative manifestations.

Do not discount the calorie content of the diet. To determine your correct calorie rate, it is important to take into account age, weight, physical activity. It is not recommended to consume less than 1200-1300 energy units per day. If you need to throw off a rather tangible amount of kilograms, and you understand that you will have to lose weight for a long time, it is better not to reduce the calorie value below 1500 at all. Having a serious excess weight, this way you can get rid of 1-2 kilograms weekly. Although, of course, everything is individual.

Drink at least 1,5 liters of clean water per day. In the hot season, it is advisable to drink 2 liters to avoid dehydration, which is a very dangerous condition. In addition, adequate fluid intake guarantees healthy skin and hair, reduces the risk of cardiovascular and other diseases, and helps to eliminate harmful substances from the body.

As for the number and timing of meals, try to stick to a fractional diet. The rules of a balanced healthy diet recommend that there are at least five meals a day. Plan your daily schedule to have breakfast the first hour after waking up and have dinner 3 hours before lights out. Most of the food load, if you want to quickly lose weight and subsequently not gain weight, is recommended to be postponed to the first half of the day (the period when we are most active). This makes it easier to spend most of the calories consumed, and the risk of feeling hungry in the evening, going too far with the norm, is much less.

Provide your diet with a variety of foods that contain the maximum amount of nutrients and do not have harmful fats. So, you should not often afford fast food products, high-calorie sweets, butter, alcohol. But lean meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, herbs, cereals, solid pasta on the table should be enough. If you can’t give up starchy foods, eat some rye or whole grain bread. Instead of fried foods, try baked, boiled, steamed, and others that are not aggressively cooked. Anything that can be eaten raw (such as fruits and vegetables) is best not cooked. So much more useful components will be stored in them, and you will not have to spend extra time.

Eat as little sugar as possible, or rather skip it altogether. Remember that it is often hidden not only in food, but also in drinks. Drink less carbonated drinks, packaged juices. Instead of sugar, add a little honey or jam to the diet, it is much healthier.

It is also important to reduce your salt intake. An excess of it in the diet can lead to hypertension and many other problems. Try not to salt food during cooking, it is better to add a little salt just before eating food. This way you will definitely not oversalt the food.

As far as the duration of a healthy diet is concerned, you can eat it all the time. Simply, when you achieve the desired result, increase the calorie content of the diet to an indicator that allows you not to lose weight or gain weight.

Healthy diet menu

Example of a healthy diet for a week


Breakfast: oatmeal on the water; chicken egg boiled or cooked in a pan without adding oil; coffee with low-fat milk or tea.

Snack: banana and 2 tbsp. l. low-fat curd.

Lunch: baked lean fish; boiled brown rice; salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and various greens.

Afternoon snack: a glass of vegetable juice and a grain loaf.

Dinner: a piece of beef (meat can be boiled or baked); non-starchy vegetable salad.


Breakfast: oatmeal (you can season it with milk or yogurt); grapefruit; tea or coffee.

Snack: fruit with 2-3 tbsp. l. low-fat cottage cheese.

Lunch: white cabbage stewed with chicken fillet.

Afternoon snack: a glass of orange juice and a slice of toasted rye bread.

Dinner: boiled shrimp; salad of tomato, cucumber and herbs.


Breakfast: buckwheat; small banana; Orange fresh.

Snack: tomato juice and 1-2 whole grain loaves.

Lunch: steamed chicken fillet garnished with brown or brown rice; Vegetable Salad.

Afternoon snack: an apple and about 100 g of cottage cheese.

Dinner: steamed or boiled lean meat, seasoned with herbs; a couple of fresh tomatoes.


Breakfast: 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal and 2 boiled chicken eggs; a glass of fruit juice.

Snack: apple and pear salad, use natural yogurt as a dressing.

Lunch: boiled fish fillet; 2 tbsp. l. rice or buckwheat and a salad of tomatoes and herbs.

Afternoon snack: apple and some low-fat cottage cheese.

Dinner: boiled beef with a salad of non-starchy vegetables and herbs.


Breakfast: a portion of muesli without sugar; a glass of kefir and a banana.

Snack: vegetable juice (glass) and about 100 g of cottage cheese.

Lunch: potatoes, cooked in their uniform; steamed or boiled chicken fillet.

Snack: A fruit salad, seasoned with a little low-fat yogurt.

Dinner: steamed fish fillet; salad consisting of white cabbage, tomatoes and greens.


Breakfast: oatmeal cooked in milk; tea or coffee.

Snack: cottage cheese with chopped fruits.

Lunch: steamed fish in the company of boiled rice; greens and tomato.

Afternoon snack: a glass of orange juice and a whole grain bread.

Dinner: grilled lean meat; salad of tomatoes and herbs.


Breakfast: steam omelet (use two chicken eggs); a glass of apple juice or tea.

Snack: banana mixed with low-fat cottage cheese.

Lunch: boiled beef and a salad of white cabbage, cucumbers, herbs.

Afternoon snack: 3-4 plums and a glass of empty yogurt.

Dinner: steamed chicken fillet and a couple of fresh cucumbers.

Contraindications to a healthy diet

A healthy diet can be followed by everyone, unless a different diet is prescribed for medical reasons.

Benefits of a Healthy Diet

  1. Already after 3-4 weeks of following the norms of a healthy diet, the body will significantly improve its health, getting rid of substances that it does not need at all. And the useful components that come with food, with proper planning of the menu, will provide the body with everything it needs for full work.
  2. You can lose weight on a healthy diet correctly and gradually, getting rid of any amount of extra pounds.
  3. Losing weight is not accompanied by hunger.
  4. There is no need to purchase any rare and expensive products.
  5. Also, those who want to lose weight will be pleased that there are no strict prohibitions, and the choice of recommended products is great. This allows you to plan the menu as you see fit.
  6. With a healthy diet, as a rule, general well-being improves, insomnia, weakness, fatigue, shortness of breath and other troubles go away.

Disadvantages of a healthy diet

  • Of course, when formulating a healthy diet, certain restrictions are imperative, and you will need to control your diet.
  • If you are accustomed to eating harmful food often, at first the new food will seem bland and tasteless to you.
  • Also, a healthy diet is hardly suitable for people who are chasing quick results, because it will not work to throw off weight at lightning speed.
  • Many eating habits will need to be radically changed.

Reapplying a healthy diet

It is advisable to make the basic rules of a healthy diet the norm and deviate from them as rarely as possible.

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