Hardware cosmetology for the face: what are the procedures, types, contraindications [expert opinion]

What is hardware cosmetology

Hardware cosmetology is a variety of, as a rule, rejuvenating or healing the skin, procedures that are carried out using special cosmetology devices and physical methods of influencing the skin of the face and body.

The most popular hardware techniques in cosmetology include procedures using:

  • laser;
  • ultrasound;
  • microcurrents;
  • vacuum;
  • gases and liquids.

Traditionally, this area of ​​aesthetic cosmetology is considered a worthy and less traumatic alternative to surgical interventions. Hardware medicine, as a rule, does not involve procedures under general anesthesia, offers a wide range of skin treatment options, and involves a shorter recovery period.

Features of hardware cosmetology for facial rejuvenation

In this section, we will talk about general indications and contraindications for most procedures related to hardware cosmetology.

First of all, I would like to refute the myth that hardware cosmetology is a means of salvation for mature skin, which is resorted to after 40 or even after 55 years. Of course it isn’t. Many types of hardware cosmetology are used, among other things, to combat those problems that can overtake the skin at any age.

Indications for hardware procedures

Let’s look at the main indications that allow you to resort to hardware facial cosmetology:

  • The first signs of skin aging: mimic and superficial wrinkles, loss of tone, firmness and elasticity of the skin, its lethargy and flabbiness.
  • Uneven skin texture: enlarged pores, post-acne marks, small scars, scars, local stretch marks.
  • Visual imperfections: age spots, freckles, spider veins and mesh, uneven skin color.
  • Age changes: moderate ptosis (sagging tissues), loss of clarity of facial contours, the appearance of a second chin.

Of course, this is only an approximate description of the possible indications. The most effective methods of influencing a specific problem and the need to use hardware cosmetology methods are evaluated by a cosmetologist depending on the individual situation of the patient.

Contraindications to hardware procedures

The general list of contraindications is not so extensive – however, in each specific case, it is worth consulting separately both with a cosmetologist and (in case of any diseases) with a specialized doctor.

So, it is recommended to refrain from hardware cosmetology of the face and body in the following situations:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • recently transferred SARS;
  • acute infectious or inflammatory process in the treatment areas;
  • the presence of oncological diseases;
  • problems with blood coagulability;
  • chronic diseases, including metabolic disorders and autoimmune processes.

Types of facial procedures in hardware cosmetology

In modern hardware cosmetology, there are a huge number of innovations and proven procedures that differ from each other in the depth of interventions, the equipment used, methods of influencing the skin and … marketing names. In order not to get confused in SMAS-lifts, laser photothermolysis and various types of skin resurfacing, let’s look at the main methods of hardware cosmetology, combining them according to the problems they are designed to deal with.


Peelings help fight visual skin imperfections: post-acne marks, enlarged and/or clogged pores, uneven skin texture. They differ in the method of exposure to the skin and, accordingly, the type of apparatus used.

  • Laser Peeling implies a surface effect (unlike laser resurfacing) of a laser on the skin, which completely or fractionally evaporates the upper layers of the epidermis, thereby stimulating active renewal and restoration of the skin. It helps to narrow the pores, even out the skin relief and smooth out post-acne marks.
  • Gas-liquid peeling – This is a facial cleansing procedure using a special solution consisting of a liquid (water, saline solution or vitamin cocktail) and medical gas (a mixture of oxygen and carbon dioxide). The solution is delivered to the surface of the skin with great speed using a device with a special nozzle and contributes to a thorough cleansing of the skin, activation of blood flow and lymphatic drainage effect.
  • Ultrasonic peeling involves gentle and atraumatic cleansing of the skin under the influence of ultrasonic waves. Wave vibrations help to remove dead skin particles and accumulations of sebum, narrow pores and stimulate the synthesis of your own collagen.
  • Vacuum peeling It is designed to gently cleanse the skin of the face and stimulate blood circulation in the skin tissues. The essence of the procedure is that the vacuum apparatus opens clogged pores and gently cleanses them of impurities and the so-called “plugs” (accumulations of sebum). Vacuum cleaning is generally atraumatic and painless, does not compromise the integrity of the skin, and can be used even with high sensitivity to discomfort.

Correction of signs of skin aging

This group of procedures includes methods to combat hyperpigmentation and uneven skin color, superficial and mimic wrinkles, loss of tone and elasticity, spider veins and other signs of age-related changes.

  • Laser skin rejuvenation has a dozen different marketing names – depending on the type of laser or even a specific device, treatment area, depth of exposure to the skin. SMOOTH-rejuvenation, laser resurfacing, fractional rejuvenation, laser photothermolysis… All these procedures have the same essence: under the influence of a laser beam, the skin layers are heated, their partial evaporation occurs, and active recovery processes are launched. This leads to a general rejuvenating effect, helps fight the signs of skin aging and stimulates the active synthesis of its own collagen and elastin, which ensures a long-term effect of the procedures.
  • Microcurrent therapy involves the use of weak pulses of electric current to stimulate metabolic processes and general rejuvenation of the skin of the face. Microcurrents are great for fighting pigmentation, redness and other discolorations, correcting skin laxity, restoring skin tone and elasticity.

Lifting procedures

Lifting methods include methods of hardware impact on age-related problems: sagging tissues, double chin, fuzzy (“blurred”) facial contours, skin flabbiness.

  • Deep laser rejuvenation (neodymium rejuvenation, FT-laser lifting) is usually performed with a neodymium laser. It provides a deep effect, penetrating into the layers of the dermis and stimulating the renewal of the elastin-collagen framework of the skin. This method allows you to fight moderate ptosis (sagging tissues), helps to tighten the contours of the face and return the skin to visible smoothness and elasticity.
  • Radio wave lifting (RF-lifting) is based on heating the deep layers of the skin using radio waves. It also affects the intensity of blood circulation in the skin tissues, the flow of blood and oxygen to the deep layers of the skin, and its own collagen synthesis. As a result of radio wave exposure, facial contours are noticeably tightened, eyebrows are raised and nasal folds are smoothed out. The relief and color of the skin are also leveled, circles under the eyes disappear and the general appearance of the face changes.

Well, we discussed what is included in hardware cosmetology, talked about the latest and time-tested hardware techniques and analyzed the issues of integrated skin care. We hope that now it will be easier for you to talk with your beautician, together choosing the most optimal ways to deal with certain skin problems!

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