Growing of ceps

Growing of ceps

Cultivation of porcini mushrooms is a rather laborious process. It will take a lot of effort to harvest juicy and fleshy boletus. But if you create optimal conditions and properly care for the mushrooms, the result will not keep you waiting.

Rules for growing porcini mushrooms at home

First of all, you should find a room. For these purposes, a basement or cellar is suitable, in which you can maintain a cool temperature and high humidity. In addition, it is necessary to provide access to fresh air in the room. But it is recommended that all ventilation openings be sealed with an insect net to prevent the appearance of pests.

Growing porcini mushrooms is a rather laborious process.

Porcini mushrooms grown in the basement differ from their forest counterparts in a lighter cap. In order to avoid this phenomenon, it is recommended to turn on a fluorescent lamp near the ripening boletus for 3-5 hours

For seedlings, it is better to buy Dutch mycelium. Such material is more viable and suitable for growing at home. Of course, wild mushrooms can also be used. But the chances of getting a harvest in this case are significantly reduced.

It is recommended to grow porcini mushrooms in wooden boxes filled with a special substrate. Soil for boletus is made from a mixture of hay, seed husks, corn cobs and sawdust. But before planting mycelium in this soil, it is recommended to sterilize the substrate. To do this, you can simply scald it with boiling water or steam it.

It is necessary to lay the mycelium in the substrate in layers

During the incubation period, it is necessary to maintain the air temperature at + 23-25 ​​° C. At this time, the mushrooms do not need ventilation and lighting. But you need to ensure that the humidity in the room does not exceed 90%.

After the first caps appear, the temperature must be reduced to 10 ° C. The room should now be well ventilated. It is recommended to water myceliums twice a day with warm water. It is best to create a drip irrigation system, but you can also use a spray bottle. In addition, the room should be kept perfectly clean. Otherwise, the mycelium will fall ill and die.

The crop can be removed as early as 20-25 days after planting

Growing porcini mushrooms at home is much more difficult than growing oyster mushrooms or champignons. And the boletus do not take root as often as we would like. But if you try and make every effort, you will be provided with tasty and fleshy mushrooms for years to come.

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