Glass of wine

The use of small quantities of alcoholic drinks is still under debate.

As a result, many think that “just one glass of wine a day” — is a solid benefit and no harm.

But is it really so?

The French paradox

The main argument of the supporters of the use of alcoholic beverages during the last three decades has been and still is the so-called French paradox: the relatively low level of cardiovascular diseases and cancer among residents of France.

Provided that the diet of the average Frenchman is rife with fats, fast carbs and caffeine.

Wine antioxidants

After examination in 1978, more than 35 thousand people, the researchers decided that from heart disease and cancer for residents of France protects the daily consumption of dry red wine.

According to scientists, the most important thing in this drink — polyphenols. This biologically active substances that work as antioxidants. They protect the body from destructive free radicals and become a means of preventing cardiovascular diseases and even cancer.

Of course, if you drink wine in moderation – one to two small glasses a day.

It is not so simple

France is not the only country which produce and use dry red wine. However, the positive effect of alcoholic beverages somehow not revealed the closest neighbors of that country in the region – in Spain, Portugal or Italy.

Do not “work” the wine in combination with a Mediterranean diet, which is recognized effective in the prevention of cardiovascular disease.

But over time it became clear that at a relatively low level of heart disease the French are not less than other people in Europe suffer from obesity and liver disease. Including cirrhosis, one of the main reasons for the development of which is alcohol abuse.

Security issues

Glass of wine

One glass of red wine with a volume of approximately 150 ml is little more than one unit — 12 ml of pure alcohol. Unit is adopted in Europe, a unit equal to 10 milliliters of ethanol.

Considered relatively safe for women dose is two units, for men – up to three. That is, only a couple of glasses of wine for women – more than the maximum allowable daily intake of alcohol.

This is too much. If you count, it turns out that with a daily glass of wine a person drinks 54 liters per year, equivalent to 11 liters of vodka or 4 liters of alcohol a year. Technically it’s like a little, but the world health organization recommends that in any case not to drink more than 2 liters of alcohol a year.

Gastroenterologists also accept the theory of relatively safe amount of alcohol, but only in terms of the liver with reservations. A couple of units per day the liver will process without any problems – however, if it is perfectly healthy.

At the same time for some other organs such as the pancreas the safe quantities of alcohol does not exist, and they suffer from any dose of ethanol.

How to drink

As practice shows, in fact, one glass a day leads to troubles rarely. As a rule, people drink much more. So, residents of the UK manage in a week to drink 1 whole extra bottle of wine more than planned. A year in this country, “accumulates” excess of 225 million litres of alcohol.

In addition, immediately we can determine whether a person has risk factors for alcohol. It is clear only in hindsight, when abuse begins.

The action of wine antioxidants can be noticed only in the long term, but ethanol found in all alcoholic drinks, begins to work immediately. After the first glass, the probability of stroke is increased in 2.3 times and reduced by 30 per cent only within a day.

Especially dangerous are attempts to “raise the hemoglobin” and “improve appetite” with a glass of wine during pregnancy. The alcohol contained in any alcoholic drink freely into the blood of the baby through the placenta. The body of a child is unable to cope with toxic substances that disturb its development.

And alcohol recognized drug that causes the most severe consequences from drinking. On a 100-point scale that evaluates the harm of psychoactive substances for humans, alcohol is in first place with 72 points, ahead of crack and heroin.

A little bit about prevention

Glass of wine

“A glass of red wine” is useful only as a reason for following a certain ritual. Rarely pours the wine on the run: a wine ritual involves good company, delicious food and the lack of urgent cases.

But these circumstances in themselves contribute to relaxation, relief from the effects of stress and prevention of cardiovascular disease – even without any fault.

And there are polyphenols in green tea and red grapes that can also become a part of the dinner in good company.

The most important

The myth about the benefits of moderate alcohol consumption are distributed thanks to the lifestyle of the French. But they were not confirmed by the example of other inhabitants of Europe, regularly drinking red wine.

Nutrients – polyphenols — contained in wine, can be obtained from other harmless sources. For example, grapes, its juice or green tea.

What happened to your body if you drink every night watch in the video below:

What Happens To Your Body When You Drink Wine Every Night

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