
General description of the disease


This is an inflammatory process that occurs in the mucous membranes of the intestines and stomach.

The incubation period of the disease ranges from 3 to 5 days, but it can be several hours (it all depends on the pathogen).

Causes and factors provoking the onset of gastroenteritis

Primarily, gastroenteritis causes bacteria and viruses: noravirus, rotavirus, salmonella, campylobacter, shigella and other microorganisms. They can enter the human body with food, by inhalation and during communication with an already infected person.

The second main reason for the appearance of gastroenteritis is imbalance between the pathogenic (pathogenic) and normal gastrointestinal tract environment. This imbalance in the microflora of the stomach, intestines and the entire system occurs due to prolonged use of antibiotics.


These were the reasons for the development of this disease.

The factors that provoke gastroenteritis include: eating foods that have not undergone proper heat treatment (raw, undercooked or undercooked foods); eating dirty or green berries, vegetables and fruits; the addition of expired food to food, the seal has been broken, or the food has been stored in the wrong conditions, without being cleaned and at the wrong temperature.

Symptoms and forms of gastroenteritis

All manifestations of the disease directly depend on the type of bacteria / virus and the severity of the course (form) of gastroenteritis.

There are 3 forms of the disease:

  1. 1 RџSЂRё easy course the patient’s body temperature is normal, there is nausea and vomiting reflexes, indigestion (diarrhea suffers from 1 to 3 times a day), the body does not have time to dehydrate.
  2. 2 RџSЂRё moderate severity, in the infected, the temperature already rises to 38 degrees, severe vomiting begins, frequent loose stools torment (the number of trips to the toilet per day is about 10), the first signs of dehydration are observed – dry skin and severe thirst.

    In addition, with these two forms, the patient may have bloating, flatulence, feces may contain an admixture of mucus and become colored (it may acquire an orange, green or yellow color), and cramps in the abdomen may torment. In general, his condition can be described as lethargic, apathetic, the victim may shiver.

  3. 3 RџSЂRё severe form gastroenteritis, the body temperature rises to 40, the general condition of the patient is severe (there may be loss of consciousness), the number of vomiting and diarrhea can reach up to 15 times per day, severe dehydration is observed (the patient refuses to drink water, the skin becomes flabby and dry, can be cramps, lips, tongue and oral mucosa are dry), low pressure.

Complications that can occur with gastroenteritis

The very first consequence of gastroenteritis is dehydration of the body, which occurs due to the loss of a large amount of fluid and salt (they come out with vomit and feces).

After gastroenteritis is cured, the patient can carry the infection and infect other people, although he will not show any symptoms of the disease.

Also, during the course of the disease, all bacteria or viruses can enter the bloodstream and infect the entire body. This process is called “septicemia».

The worst outcome of this disease is death. Death occurs due to untimely or unskilled assistance.

Useful foods for gastroenteritis

At the first manifestations of gastroenteritis, special attention should be paid to the patient’s nutrition. For people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, diet table number 4 is prescribed.

During the period of acute manifestations of gastroenteritis, food intake should be limited. If the victim can eat independently, then he should be given crackers (only from white bread), bananas and rice porridge. You need to eat warm food, food should be fractional and in small portions.

After the main symptoms subside, the patient can expand the list of dishes and products. You can eat any boiled porridge (better viscous – oatmeal, wheat), boiled vegetables (except those that contain coarse fiber: cauliflower, potatoes, carrots), fruits, fish and meat of non-fatty varieties, dried white bread. It is allowed to drink jelly, compotes, fruit juices and tea.

Traditional medicine for gastroenteritis

At the first manifestations of gastroenteritis, it is necessary to limit food intake and increase fluid intake (so that dehydration does not begin).

If diarrhea and vomiting are too severe, give the patient saline… To prepare it, you need 1 liter of boiled water, 2 tablespoons of sugar and 1 tablespoon of salt. Sweet tea, jelly and rosehip decoction are also considered useful. In order not to provoke vomiting, you need to drink no more than 50 milliliters at a time.

If the duration of the attacks of the disease is more than a day and if the state of health worsens, you should immediately seek medical help. In severe gastroenteritis, on an outpatient basis, patients are injected intravenously with a glucose solution, physiological saline.

To restore the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, it is necessary to drink decoctions of tansy, St. John’s wort, serpentine, mint and eat oatmeal steamed with boiling water.

For an antiseptic effect, the patient should drink a decoction of cranberries. 20 grams of berries are poured over 1 liter of boiling water, boiled over a fire for 10 minutes, filtered. Take 80 milliliters 3 times a day.

To raise the immune forces of the body, they drink jelly made from orchis tubers, ground into powder. For the preparation of jelly, the raw materials are first ground in a coffee grinder and mixed with hot water (it is also possible with milk). You will need 4-8 tubers per liter of liquid. The daily dose of jelly is 45 grams. To make the jelly tastier, you can add a little honey.

To relieve inflammation and stop diarrhea, they drink an infusion of blackheads. Take 1 teaspoon of crushed dry raw materials to a glass of boiling water. Pour boiling water into a thermos and let it brew for 2 hours. Take 1 teaspoon of broth before meals. The number of receptions of this therapeutic infusion should not exceed 5 times a day.

In order to avoid gastroenteritis, everyone needs to take the following preventive measures:

  • all employees working in the food industry must be checked for the carriage of bacteria and viruses and, if the result is positive, remove them from work until there are 3 negative results for the carriage of microorganisms when donating feces;
  • do not eat raw and poorly cooked foods (this applies especially to eggs, meat and fish);
  • do not buy vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs in spontaneous markets, they must be thoroughly washed before use;
  • when communicating with a patient, it is necessary to adhere to personal hygiene (after each contact, you need to wash your hands), you cannot use common utensils with him and any form of kissing is prohibited.

Dangerous and harmful foods for gastroenteritis

  • fatty fish and meat;
  • dairy products with high fat content;
  • legumes;
  • confectionery products containing cream, fat filling and cooked in margarine;
  • coffee, alcohol, sweet soda;
  • semi-finished products, fast food, fast food;
  • any marinades, sauces, mayonnaises, dressings, canned food and sausages;
  • fried foods;
  • too salty, spicy and fatty foods;
  • expired products with damaged packaging, unwashed vegetables and fruits, raw meat and fish dishes;
  • products with fillers, dyes, flavor or odor enhancers containing the E coding.

This list of products must be excluded for at least a month, and in the chronic course of the disease, such a diet must be adhered to constantly.


The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!

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