fruits as medicine


 Apricot has been one of the favorite fruits in northern India since ancient times. This is one of the most nutritious vegan foods in the north of the country, in the foothills of the Himalayas (and they grow amazingly delicious apples there!). Apricots are eaten raw or dried for future use. Also used are grains (a nut kernel inside a hard stone) of apricot – they are also useful. Moreover, oil is squeezed out of the apricot kernel, which then often goes into the basis of oil mixtures (because it itself does not have a pronounced aroma). The quality of this oil is compared with almond oil.

 Speaking about the useful “chemistry” of apricot fruits, we note that they contain protein, carbohydrates, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, iron and vitamin A. By the way, it’s funny, but true: dried apricots (dried apricots) – contains 3 times more vitamin A (good for immunity and vision) than fresh fruits!

 If suddenly you suffer from chronic constipation, then eat 10 apricots – and the problem is solved! Also, apricots are very useful for anemia, because they have a lot of iron.




 Bananas should be ripe – with brown spots on the yellow skin – and sweet. These bananas are delicious and healthy.

Banana is one of the most beloved fruits all over the world, including India, so it is not surprising that it is given a lot of space in Ayurvedic texts. Since antiquity, bananas have been known for their main health benefits: they help you gain a healthy body weight and promote good digestion.

Regular consumption of bananas helps with indigestion and chronic constipation. These fruits are rich in fiber. Taking a very small amount – for example, one small banana or half a large one – gently fixes. Taking a small amount of bananas (2-3) slightly thins the stool, and if you eat them “to satiety” – diarrhea can occur. So a banana is not just food, it is also a medicine!

It is believed that bananas help with dysentery and diarrhea that is dangerous for young children (babies are given mashed potatoes from 1 banana) – this is their strong and useful “intestinal” effect!

According to Ayurveda, bananas help eliminate diseases of all three Doshas (types of constitution, or primary elements): Vata, Pitta and Kapha – i.e. to harmonize the balance of the elements of Wind, Fire (bile) and Water (mucus) in the body. Therefore, the banana is considered a sacred fruit, it is traditionally offered to the deity on the altar.

Thin, weakened people are recommended to eat 2 bananas a day for 2 months. This will not lead to excessive fullness, it will simply help restore normal weight, and will also have a beneficial effect on the health and appearance of the skin!

Bananas are used in the treatment of gastritis, stomach ulcers, ulcerative colitis, jaundice (they are rich in iron), gout attacks, arthritis. Bananas increase masculinity and potency in men; useful in diabetes, frequent urination, fatigue. Bananas, as well as the “compote” prepared from them, help with coughing (ripe bananas are needed!).

In a normal fruit-containing diet, the combination of bananas, oranges and apples is considered especially beneficial. But do not add just a few “wheels” of bananas to a fruit salad – this can lead to constipation (as I indicated above), eat them in a normal amount – 2-3 pieces.

Many nutritionists advise eating fruit at the beginning of a meal, or better, separately from other foods, but bananas are good and after food intake – they will help its digestion.

Speaking about the content of nutrients, we note that bananas are high in calories, and they also contain vitamins A and C, minerals, carbohydrates, protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, magnesium, copper and potassium. A standard banana contains about 75% water; they help maintain the water-alkaline balance, help quench the thirst of the body.

Bananas are good for the heart, especially when combined with honey.

It is curious that Ayurvedic doctors even use bananas to treat minor wounds and bruises, bruises: the peel is applied to the affected area. It is believed that such a recipe quickly relieves pain – and will certainly come in handy in order to calm and distract an injured child.

In the event that a person (again, this happens more often with children!) has overindulged on bananas and is experiencing stomach troubles, it is advised to take one crushed red cardamom seed, which will restore normal health in a matter of minutes (unfortunately, red cardamom is not so easy to obtain) .


According to Ayurveda, dates have a “hot” and “dry” nature. Due to this, they are useful in diseases of Vata – “Wind” (for example, with colds, with insufficient body weight, with dizziness, nervousness, inability to concentrate) and Kapha – “Plime” (obesity, sweating, colds, weak and slow digestion, drowsiness, lethargy, indecision), give strength to digestion and slightly fix. In India, where dates are plentiful in some regions, they are used as a sweetener.

After you have eaten dates, it is ideal to drink buttermilk – it will help to fully absorb them.

Dates increase vitality, including in men, and promote childbearing. They are useful for depression and severe fatigue – but to get a noticeable effect, in these cases they need to be eaten in large quantities (at least 15 per day) for several months.

Dates are high in calories and easy to digest, and you can eat them even after a meal – this way they will help you digest food better and gain the missing weight, if necessary.

A combination of dates with milk (up to 0.5 liters), as well as with Ghee, is useful, especially if you need to restore the body after a serious loss of blood or injury.

With anemia and general weakness, dates should be eaten for breakfast in combination with a dairy product of your choice: milk, sour cream, cream.

For constipation, they drink milk boiled with 4-5 or even more dates – at night, before going to bed.

Dates contain vitamins A, B and C, which helps to strengthen the immune system. They contain protein, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron, thiamine, niacin, pectin, riboflavin. Dates can be considered a “rejuvenating” product!

Dates help cleanse the body of mucus, so they are useful for coughs, colds, and some lung diseases, such as bronchitis. They are also useful for the heart, liver, kidneys and brain; it is even believed that dates help with senile dementia.

In many eastern countries, dates (like coconuts, bananas, and figs) are considered a sacred fruit – pleasing even to the gods!

Dates are alkaline in nature, so when taken regularly, they contribute to the formation of beneficial microflora in the intestines.


Figs (figs) are a wonderful fruit, also because they can be eaten both raw and dried. By nature (in the system of Ayurveda) figs are “cold” and “sweet”, however, when used correctly, they can relieve Vata (Wind) and Kapha (Plimo) disorders. It is good for digestion and purifies the blood.

Figs contain protein, sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, copper, phosphorus.

According to Ayurveda, it is usually “prescribed” to people suffering from lung problems (including cough), as well as constipation.

In large quantities, figs, especially in combination with nuts, allow you to gain increased body weight, which is why it is used by weightlifters and wrestlers who follow a vegan diet.

A syrup made from figs is an excellent general tonic for children. In addition, figs increase appetite and improve digestion. It is also useful for adults, especially with prolonged illness or weakness. “Fig syrup” also helps to fight muscular rheumatism, problematic skin, kidney and urolithiasis, hepatomegaly, anemia.

Figs can be used as a laxative for chronic constipation. It relieves hemorrhoids. It is also used for leukorrhea, so women are advised to consume 3 figs per day to prevent this disease. In addition, at the beginning of the menstrual cycle (and also at the age of menopause), it is very useful for women to take 3 figs a day to maintain the correct balance of trace elements.


One of the oldest fruits cultivated by man, and also, perhaps, one of the most delicious and healthy!

 Grapes contain a large amount of glucose and have a slightly high acidity, so they are well absorbed by the body and stimulate the function of the intestines and kidneys.

 The famous expert on Ayurveda, the remarkable ancient author Shri Vagbat, who created one of the important canons of Ayurveda – “Ashtanga Hridaya Samhita”, pointed mainly to the beneficial laxative and diuretic properties of grapes. Another eminent connoisseur of medicine from a bygone era – Sushrut – argued that grapes preserve life in the body, i.e. strengthens what is now called “immunity” – natural protection against infections and internal tissue degradation.

Useful properties of grapes are not limited to this. It is favorable for digestion, tk. rich in fiber and promotes the movement of food through the intestines. It is sometimes said that acidic fruits are not good, unlike alkaline ones, but grapes help cleanse the intestines of toxins. It is also useful for the skin and lungs, rheumatism, gout, arthritis, obesity.

 In addition to glucose and acids (tartaric, malic and others), grapes contain vitamins and minerals, phosphorus and calcium.

Separately worth saying about raisins. Its most useful variety is a noticeably larger medium-sized raisin (“munnakwa”), obtained from large, ripe grapes. His Indian doctors especially recommend it, because. it is tasty and nutritious, and contains a significant amount of glucose ready for assimilation. Therefore, large raisins are given to those suffering from fever, anemia, general weakness, colitis, bronchitis, heart disease, as well as chronic constipation, dysentery and kidney disease.


Regular consumption of grapefruit – prevention of constipation and diarrhea, dysentery and other problems of the gastrointestinal tract. It is also good for the liver.

Grapefruit contains, among other things, calcium, phosphorus, iron, protein, and is also a valuable source of vitamins C and E.

 Curiously, seedless varieties are healthier and therefore preferred.


According to Ayurveda, pineapple has a “cold” nature, therefore it is not recommended for people with increased mucus formation (runny nose, sputum, etc.), for people with a predominant Kapha dosha (the “Water” element). It has an invigorating effect, is able to cope with constant anxiety and refreshes thoughts, is good for the heart.



Lemon is one of the healthiest citrus fruits, the “King of Ayurveda”. It stimulates appetite, promotes digestion and assimilation of food.

 Lemon contains vitamins C and P (which prevents capillary fragility), as well as sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, copper, phosphorus, riboflavin, and nicotinic acid, among other beneficial substances.

 Drinking lemon or lemon juice quenches thirst, cools the body, relieves nausea (for this, a paste is prepared from lemon grains), soothes an irritated stomach, as well as upset nerves!

 Lemon is used in the treatment of many diseases: for example, from indigestion, hyperacidity (because it creates an alkaline reaction in the stomach), dysentery, diarrhea, some heart diseases (because it calms the heartbeat), to establish a regular stool, with high blood pressure, for the health of the kidneys and uterus.



 Mango according to Ayurvedic classification – “hot”. It is a high-calorie, nutritious fruit. There are varieties with denser, even tough and almost liquid pulp: the latter are sweeter and easier to digest.

 Mango has a hematopoietic effect. It is believed that this fruit allows you to preserve and prolong youth, gives active longevity. Mango fruits are good for the stomach, lungs and brain. Mango promotes healthy weight gain, activates the kidneys, is useful for chronic constipation and indigestion, and helps remove toxins from the body.

 Do not eat mango on an empty stomach.

 The fruit must be ripe. In the East, some people like to eat green mangoes (as a condiment) on vegetable dishes, this should not be done regularly. Green mango powder is not as strong and can be added to dishes more boldly.



 Papaya is a valuable source of vitamins, especially vitamin A, as well as calcium, protein, phosphorus, iron, and vitamin C, thiamine, riboflavin, and a small amount of niacin. The sweeter and riper the fruit, the richer in these substances and healthier it is.

 Papaya enhances appetite and helps digest food, good for the pancreas. According to Ayurveda, papaya is prescribed for people who suffer from diseases of the liver, heart, intestines, ureters, women with a painful cycle. Papaya expels intestinal parasites and flushes the gallbladder (about the latter – be careful with the use of a large amount of this fruit: it has a pronounced diuretic effect!).


According to Ayurveda, peaches are a “cold” product. They are useful in disorders (excessive increase) of Pitta – “Fire” – in the body. Useful in extreme heat (1 peach), especially if it is accompanied by loss of appetite.


 Plums, like peaches, are a “cold” product, but are easily digested. In small quantities, plums have a beneficial hematopoietic effect. Like peaches, they are useful for Pitta dosha disorders: the appearance of a red rash, heartburn, fever, anger and other signs of excessive internal “fire”.

Plums are very useful for the liver and cleanse the stomach and the whole body from toxins and toxins.

 Both fresh ripe plums and dried ones are useful: prunes are an excellent cure for fever! But sour – which means unripe! – Do not eat plums. Unripe plums can be allowed to lie down for a few days, and they themselves will ripen.



Pomegranates – light, astringent – soothe Vata Dosha (Wind principle) and Kapha Dosha (Water or Mucus). The most useful pomegranates are sweet ones (with small grains), and from sour ones (with large grains) in India only sauces and medicines are prepared, they are not considered food.

 Sweet pomegranates help with diarrhea, vomiting, dyspepsia, heartburn, cleanse the oral cavity, are useful for the throat, stomach, heart, promote seed formation, purify the blood, quench thirst, relieve anxiety, increase hemoglobin.

 It is enough to eat 1 pomegranate a day, no more is needed – it is fraught with constipation.


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