Fruit and vegetable diet: minus 5 kg for 5 days

A fruit and vegetable diet is considered very effective when used properly – it gives excellent results. This diet’s essence is eating only plant-based foods within 5 days and among them one day – milk.

A simple menu and simple rules make this diet very attractive. However, to continue this diet, you should not more than 5 days because the diet restriction will sooner or later lead to undesirable consequences.

Day 1

The first-day fruit and vegetable diet is dedicated to fresh fruit, which you should drink in the amount of one and a half liters for 5-6 receptions. In freshly squeezed juice contains vitamins and fiber, improving the immune system and helping relieve the first kg. Don’t forget about ordinary drinking water – it should be drinking daily.

Day 2

Half a kilogram of fruit – ration of the second day. They should also be divided into several portions and to eat from morning to evening: especially helpful citrus, apples, pears, but restrictions in the choice of fruits. Sugar, which is rich in fruits, will not experience severe bouts of hunger.

Day 3

Mid unloading fruit and vegetable diet should be protein. They were allowed to eat 600 grams of low-fat cottage cheese and unlimited drinking milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, and yogurt.

Day 4

This day is vegetable juice. You will need half a liter of carrot, beet, or tomato juice; you can alternate them throughout the day. 5-6 meals and unlimited water.

Day 5

On the last day of the diet are vegetables. On this day, you can eat up to four pounds of carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins, and other healthy vegetables. You can eat them raw, baked, stewed, or boiled—season with herbs and spices, excluding salt, which retains water in the body.

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