Foods to avoid in an anti candidiasis diet

Foods to avoid in an anti candidiasis diet

To treat your candidiasis you may have difficult choices to make regarding your habits and lifestyle, especially during the rigid phase of the anti-candidiasis diet. Keep in mind that things will get better quickly and that you will soon be starting to reintroduce certain foods into your daily diet again.

If you haven’t read the article: The best foods for candidiasis, I advise you to start with this one and come back to read the rest of this article first.

Certain foods directly feed the candida yeast. Others damage your immune system and therefore reduce your ability to fight infections. To beat candidiasis once and for all, one must look for the winning conditions and avoid the foods described here.

This list provides a good summary of the foods to avoid during your candidiasis treatment.

Essential reading on candida:

– Treat candida in 3 steps (100% natural method)

– The diet against candidiasis

– The 12 best natural antifungals



Read more


  • Sucre
  • Honey
  • Sirop
  • Chocolat
  • Molasses
  • Rice syrup
  • Sweeteners

Condiments are usually high in sugar and can therefore make your candidiasis worse. Avoid carbonated drinks as well.

Always try to read the labels of your food meticulously and make sure it does not contain sugar. Be careful: aspartame which is used in low calorie drinks weakens your immune system and can therefore make you more vulnerable to candidiasis.


  • Wine
  •  Beer
  • digestives
  • Liquors
  • Cidre

Drinking large amounts of alcohol can lower your blood sugar levels, but moderate drinking tends to actually raise it.

Alcoholic drinks are often high in carbohydrates and are more often seen in combination with mixers and foods very high in sugars. Over time, alcohol consumption tends to reduce the effectiveness of insulin, which leads to consistently high blood sugar levels. Alcohol can also increase the permeability of the intestinal walls and have a negative impact on your immune system.


  • Liments composed of wheat, rye, barley oats

  • Pasta
  • Bread
  • The corn
  • Rice

Many people with candidiasis also have an increased sensitivity to gluten.

Give your immune system a break and avoid gluten during your candidiasis diet.


  • Fruits frais
  • Dried fruits
  • Canned fruits
  • Juice

The high sugar content of fruits feed candida, even though they are natural sugars. In addition, some fruits such as melon can also contain mold.

A lemon zest or a little squeezed lemon is quite acceptable, however.


  • Potatoes
  • Carrots
  • Yams
  • Beets
  • Because
  • turnips

This is a category of vegetables that are very rich in nutrients. However, they should be avoided until the candida overgrowth is under control.

They can be re-adopted in small quantities, one at a time, afterwards.


  • Pork in general
  • Meats
  • Processed meats
  • Smoked meats

Pork contains retroviruses which are not destroyed during cooking. These can be harmful to anyone with a compromised digestive system.

Processed meats such as cold cuts and canned meats are saturated with dextrose, nitrates, sulphates and sugars.


  • All fish in general
  • Except sardines, wild salmon, herring
  • Seafood

All seafood and most poisons contain dangerous levels of heavy metals and toxins. These substances can weaken your immune system and therefore make you more susceptible to candidiasis.

Several scientific studies have established that farmed salmon contain very high levels of PBCs, mercury and other carcinogens.


Virtually all dairy products should be avoided except ghi butter, kefir, and probiotic yogurts.  

Milk contains lactose and it is therefore also to be avoided. Kefir and yogurts are less of a problem because most of the lactose is lost during the fermentation process.


  • Coffee
  • Black and green tea
  • Soda
  • Energy drinks
  • Juice
  • Soft drinks

Caffeine can cause blood sugar spikes which is bad, but the bigger problem is that it weakens the adrenal glands and can therefore harm your immune system.

Coffee also often contains mold. Even decaffeinated teas and coffees should be avoided, as they contain traces of caffeine.


  • Cashew nut
  • Peanuts
  • Pistachios

This specific group of nuts contains a high rate of mold and can trigger candidiasis.


  • beans
  • Tofu
  • Chickpeas
  • Soy milk
  • Soy product

These foods combine two disadvantages: they are difficult to digest, on the one hand; they are also high in carbohydrates.

They are therefore not compatible with the initial phase of the diet. They can be reintroduced in small portions a little later.

Soy products are to be avoided at all costs, as the majority of soybeans are genetically modified. Unmodified soy-based tofu would be acceptable.


Fungi do not feed candidiasis as some websites seem to claim. On the other hand, the consumption of certain fungus can cause an inflammatory reaction if you already suffer from candidiasis.

Certain fungus with medicinal capacities can perfectly be consumed during your diet. They even have powerful beneficial properties for the immune system.


  • Ketchup
  • Mayonnaise
  • Mustard
  • Soya sauce

Ketchup, tomato sauce, and spaghetti sauce all contain insidiously large amounts of sugars.

Condiments in general are high in sugar and can make your candidiasis worse. If you want a healthy alternative to your vinaigrette, try the amino acids in coconut or simply olive oil mixed with a little lemon juice.


  • All vinegars except Apple Cider Vinegar

Vinegar is bad for several reasons – it’s made from a yeast culture, reduces stomach acidity, and can inflame your intestinal system.

On the other hand, a particular vinegar (unfiltered apple cider vinegar) has properties that help fight the overgrowth of candida.


  • Peanut oil
  • Corn oil
  • Canola oil
  • Soya oil

Peanut, corn and canola oils are often contaminated with mold.

Most soybean oils are made from genetically modified soybeans.

Do not hesitate to print this list and reread it regularly. You now have all the assets in hand to set up an effective diet against candidiasis!

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