Food industry workers day

Food industry workers day was installed in the era of the USSR, in 1966, and since then has been traditionally celebrated in a number of post-Soviet countries on the third Sunday in October.

Enterprises of the food and processing industry play a leading role in providing the population with food products around the world, since caring for their daily bread has always been one of the main concerns of mankind. Food industry workers are constantly improving the quality of their products, expanding their range.

Thanks to the professionalism and tireless work of workers in the food industry, this industry is one of the leaders in the development of new methods and forms of market economy, in the technical and technological renewal of production.

In recent years throughout the world, the question of the formation of food security is more acute than ever. It is the food industry workers who are among the first to tackle this problem.


It is the food industry workers who ensure the food stability of the Russian regions, making a significant contribution to the development of the country’s economy. Today, along with this holiday, is also celebrated on.

As a reminder, October 16 is celebrated annually.

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