Flu prevention methods
    In the cold season, a person’s susceptibility to disease increases. People often get the flu, because a weakened immune system can hardly resist the disease. The question of protecting the body during the cold season is becoming topical.

    For the prevention of colds, doctors advise to vaccinate against influenza 1-2 months before the beginning of the cold season.

    Such a measure will prepare the body in advance for virus attacks and help develop reliable protection. During a flu epidemic, it is also recommended to take a multivitamin and mineral complex.

    In addition to medicines, there are many folk remedies for the fight and prevention of influenza. They are much cheaper and sometimes are able to tone the body better than drugs.

    There are a lot of measures for the prevention of influenza with folk remedies. But first of all, it is worth starting with hygiene procedures. Ventilation of the premises is an obligatory item in them, because fresh air reduces the number of microbes. Try to avoid crowded places, because there the risk of infection is much higher. If you prefer walking on public transport, this will not only save you from a dangerous virus, but also strengthen you physically, which is also important for fighting the flu.


    Sleep is an important part of a healthy immune system. A lack of sleep leads to a general weakening of the body, which increases the likelihood of getting sick. In the cold season, it is worth increasing the duration of sleep by 1-2 hours.

    Hardening is an important measure to prevent the fight against influenza. Train yourself to wash your face in the morning with cold water or rub it all over your body. A contact shower will strengthen blood vessels, increase tone and have a beneficial effect on overall health. It is worth paying attention to the disinfection of the premises. A tablespoon of vinegar diluted in a liter of water and put on a fire will purify the air.

    In the cold season, you should take foods rich in vitamin C. It is found in large quantities in currants, which should be prepared in advance for the winter, fresh tangerines, lemons, sauerkraut, oranges, grapefruits and cranberries. From the latter, you can prepare vitamin juice, incredibly rich in nutrients.

    Taking decoctions of medicinal plants will help you reliably protect yourself from the flu. Brew lime blossom tea before bed. Mix raspberry and currant leaves and pour boiling water over them. Taking 2 glasses a day of this broth will have a beneficial effect on your immunity.

    Honey is your main ally in the fight against colds. Taking 50 grams per day of this healing substance will saturate the body with useful elements. Propolis is also important during a flu epidemic. A small piece, placed on the cheek at night, will destroy all dangerous microbes in the oral cavity.

    Eating garlic can help protect you against the flu. It works effectively and is great at destroying microbes. For prevention, you should consume 2 cloves a day. Carrot juice will also help you fight the flu.

    Rinsing the nose with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or iodine will significantly reduce the risk of getting sick. It is worth taking baths with essential oils. Pine, fir and juniper oils are especially useful. Evaporating from the surface of the water, they destroy all microbes from the surface of the mucous membranes and disinfect the air.

    If you do get sick, then you should not self-medicate. You should immediately contact qualified specialists who will tell you how to proceed. You should not carry the disease on your legs, because it is fraught with complications.

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