Fishing for peled: ways to catch peled and bait for bait

All about peled fishing

The fish is less demanding on the saturation of water with oxygen, therefore it is more often kept in bays and channels. The fish has another name – cheese. In general, this type of whitefish can be called lake. There are no subspecies, but they distinguish river and lake biological forms. Maximum dimensions up to 3 kg. The species easily adapts to new water bodies. Distributed in many places. In nature, slow-growing forms can form.

Methods for catching peled

Peled acclimatized in many water bodies of Europe and Asia. Bred on an industrial scale, including for recreational fishing. For fishing, both float and bottom fishing rods are used, as well as tackle for fishing with artificial lures: dry flies and nymphs, including fly fishing. Peled is perfectly caught in winter, on winter fishing rods.

Catching peled on float and bottom rods

Cheese is cautious and shy, so fishing for it should be done in silence. Some amateurs are even advised to wear camouflage suits. Peled is mainly a pelargic fish; in summer, the main diet is invertebrates that are in the water column and on the surface of the water. Fishing on a float rod is considered more successful when the bait is high from the bottom. When the water temperature drops, the fish bite well on bottom gear. The fish manifests itself in the pond with splashes and circles on the water. Casting tackle should be done far, the fish avoids the coastline. In a weak current, fish are sometimes caught “on the dregs”, when standing in the water they muddy the water with their feet and tossing the bait with a muddy trail.

Peled fishing winter tackle

In winter, the fish are no less cautious, anglers advise to cover not only the holes with snow, but also the space in front of it. Fish need to be fed live, frozen or dry mormysh (amphibian crustacean). At this point, the fish can be understood directly under the ice edge. If the fish does not bite in the water column, you should definitely check the bites at the bottom.

Fly fishing for peled

For peled fly fishing, traditional one-handed tackle with delicate cords and thin undergrowth and leashes is used. They look for fish by splashes in the pond. A good solution in warm waters is fishing from a raft, which increases the casting range. They catch both dry and sinking flies.


For fishing with natural baits, amphipods, worms, bloodworms, mollusk meat, and maggots are used. The fish takes the last one worse, but there are times when it is caught only on it. It should be noted that the peled, like many whitefish, is distinguished by caution and fastidiousness in choosing baits.

Places of fishing and habitat

The natural habitat extends from the Mezen River to the Kolyma. Not found in all rivers of the region. As already mentioned, it gravitates towards spawning and life in lakes. It does not rise high into the rivers. In acclimatized reservoirs, it can form broodstock and therefore completely takes root in reservoirs. Peled is bred throughout Russia, in the south to Tajikistan and in Western Europe. In rivers, it lives in places with a weak current. As already mentioned, you can detect fish by splashes and circles on the water, while it feeds on flying insects.


Ripens at 5-6 years old. It spawns every year, but spawning omissions are known for some individuals in the Ob River. The timing of spawning may vary depending on the region and environmental conditions, it begins in early autumn and can continue until January. It makes spawning grounds both on rivers and in lakes.

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