Everything you need to know about baby’s nap needs

How to organize the naps of our newborn?

Early in the morning, before and after lunch or at the end of the day: during the first years of our baby, the nap schedule keeps waltzing and, often, doubt sets in our mind. If our infant skips the morning bedtime, we think it’s safe, he will never last until noon. On the other hand, it is true that he has more and more difficulty falling asleep around 15 p.m. Yes, but if he sleeps too much, it will be a disaster tonight… Stop! It is high time to take stock of the situation and to dispel some preconceived ideas about naps, which cause trouble and cause trouble!

Let us remember that during the first month, most babies, provided they digest well, sleep about 18 to 20 hours a day! If they wake up most of the time it’s only to eat. But a few rare babies nonetheless stay much more awake from birth and only sleep 14 to 18 hours a day. It could be a sign that our baby is suffering from indigestion. – and that’s a question to raise with our pediatrician – or just that he’s a little sleeper. In this case, nothing special to do. But to find the keys to a good sleep, small or heavy sleepers all need, from the first days, slowly build their landmarks and learn to differentiate day from night.

Where to put baby to sleep during the day?

Two good habits to help our little ones fall asleep: during the day, for the nap, it is better not to make them sleep in complete darkness by leaving for example shutters or blinds partially open. It is also not worth walking on tiptoe and outlawing all noise at home: leaving light on and making a little noise during the day will gradually allow our child to distinguish day and night. Second good habit, at least for long naps, it is better to get them used to sleeping peacefully in their bed and not in their stroller.

At what age does your baby no longer take a nap in the morning?

As you grow older, more marked awakening periods appear: first in the late afternoon, then at other times of the day. Each child will develop their personal program. Some people will therefore abandon the nap in the morning and prefer to sleep a little more at noon and in the afternoon, while others will continue to claim it for a few more months, even years!

When does baby go from 3 to 2 naps?

Around three months, real little nights of 6 to 8 hours, punctuated by an early morning awakening, begin to take shape. Phew! The day is then divided into long, regular naps interspersed with a good hour or two of games and babbling. In fgeneral, 3 naps minimum remain necessary for up to four months. Then between 6 to 12 months, our child may prefer to take longer naps, but only take two, one in the morning and one in the afternoon!

Baby’s sleep, what is it for?

Day and night, the sleep of the newborn obeys internal rhythms. He gets organized in cycles of 50 to 60 minutes alternating episodes of agitated sleep et calm sleep. This restless sleep is predominant (eye movements, twitching, changes in facial expressions) foreshadows “paradoxical” sleep, assimilated to dreams. It plays an essential role in the development of the brain. Contrary to what one might think when watching our baby fuss while sleeping, it is a relaxing sleep!

Test: Misconceptions about baby sleep

Good sleep is essential for growth. Between 0 and 6 years old therefore, different stages will follow one another: the time that our baby sleeps, then accepts bedtime and finally sleeps calmly and rests to last the long days of school!

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