E107 Yellow 2G

Yellow 2G is a synthetic food dye registered as a food additive, which is part of the group of azo dyes. In the international Classification of Food Additives, Yellow 2G has the code E107.

General Characteristics of E107 Yellow 2G

E107 Yellow 2G-powdered yellow substance, tasteless and odorless, well soluble in water. Production of E107-synthesis of coal tar. Chemical formula of the substance C16H10Cl2N4O7S2.

Benefits and harms of E107 Yellow 2G

Yellow 2G can provoke the appearance of various allergic reactions, especially dangerous use of E107 for patients with bronchial asthma and those who do not tolerate aspirin. The use of E107 in baby food (calorizator) is strictly prohibited. The useful properties of E107 have not been found, moreover, the E107 supplement is prohibited from being used in almost all countries of the world.

Application E107 Yellow 2G

Until the early 2000s, E107 was used as a dye in the food industry, for the production of confectionery, pastry, carbonated drinks. Currently, Yellow 2G is not used in food production.

Use of E107 Yellow 2G

The food additive E107 Yellow 2G in the territory of our country was excluded from the list of “Food additives for food production”.

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