Do you really want to eat soup every day?

We all know from childhood that “warm dish” you need to eat every day. Otherwise, we get sick/ won’t grow/ and who knows what can happen to you. And is it really so?

What is a “soup.”

Soup can you call a dish, where 50 percent of the ingredients in the broth. No option “to stand” for a spoon, and vegetables are swimming. Thick Enough, rich, and liquid soup people had cooked since ancient times – ever since then, when people required warming food, and deep dishes would be able to withstand the hot dish.

Modern culinary traditions also have a few recipes of first courses. Soup, borscht, claret, and skits quickly satisfy hunger, warmth and save from a hangover.

Still, menus in kindergarten or school include the first course, and many families stick to this tradition. Although there are peoples whose culture there does not include liquid starters, and neither lifespan nor the gastrointestinal tract condition and other body systems is not affected.

Is it necessary?

If the soup is useful – disputes do not stop here for decades. Some are convinced that the broth is the basis of proper nutrition because it contains vitamins and is quickly absorbed by the body. This is especially important during colds and postoperative periods. Others argue that all the extra broth digested than the food animals for growth, which is clearly not intended for human consumption, besides all of the vitamins that can give meat, prolonged heat treatment fade. Not speaking of the second low-fat broths, when the first is drained to waste.

Another argument is that the broth can influence the gastric juice, wash it, which disrupts the digestion process and makes the stomach’s walls vulnerable to the aggressive effects of the other supplied him with food. Also, opponents of soups blame the dish for the provocation of gastritis.

But modern gastroenterologists reject this assertion: the incidence of gastritis does not depend on whether a person eats the first course or not on the contrary, when gastrointestinal diseases and people with reduced stomach acidity, soups are not recommended.

From this, we can conclude that there is a soup you can if you want. And we must accept it like any other dish, not as a panacea for all ills.

Do you really want to eat soup every day?

So the soup that was tasty and healthy

  • the temperature of the food should be close to the temperature of the human body – so it is absorbed quickly and will not disrupt thermoregulation;
  • the first dish should not be too sharp;
  • it is advisable to boil the broth on low–fat meat chicken, lean beef;
  • avoid additives soup – spices, cubes, and other concentrates – they do not contain anything natural and destroying his internal organs from the esophagus to the intestine;
  • dispense contents or make it in a mixture of butter and vegetable oil.

Daily, each person’s diet should be vegetables, cereals, meat, and if they are all connected in one dish is good. If the use of these ingredients you prefer separately – also excellent.

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