Do crayfish squeak when you cook them?

Do crayfish squeak when you cook them?

Reading time – 3 minutes.

When crayfish are thrown into boiling water, a squeak-like sound is heard. But in fact, crayfish die instantly (especially if you put them in boiling water correctly, that is, head down), they cannot squeak, and therefore the pity caused by the squeak is completely in vain.

This phenomenon is due to the fact that steam comes out from under the shell with a characteristic sound. Steam initially accumulates in the space under the carapace. Over time, the pressure builds up, and steam begins to be pushed out under its influence. Having found slots from which steam can escape, it goes outside. The process of ejecting steam is accompanied by a hissing sound. As a rule, when boiling crayfish, a characteristic sound is heard within the first couple of minutes.

It also happens vice versa – crayfish Do not squeak when cookingand experienced eaters can be confused about this. Indeed, the sign is not very good – most likely, the crayfish are not the freshest catch, they managed to live in the air and dry well.

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