Diet on barley, 7 days, -4 kg

Losing weight up to 4 kg in 7 days.

The average daily calorie content is 940 Kcal.

Pearl barley got its beautiful name from the word “pearls”. Groats are made up of small grains that look like pearls.

Barley is made from barley. The set of useful components contained in this cereal exalts it to a leading place among other grains. Even the ancient Roman gladiators ate barley porridge to increase their strength and endurance, because it contains balanced carbohydrates, proteins, and vegetable fats.

A diet on pearl barley is an effective and very budgetary technique for transforming a figure, moreover, it is also useful for the body. How to quickly lose weight with barley?

Barley diet requirements

In order for the barley diet to be most effective, porridge must be prepared in a special way. Take 200 g of cereal and, pouring a liter of clean water, leave to swell for about 12 hours. After the pearl barley swells, it must be poured with three more glasses of water. Send the pot over low heat and simmer for 30 minutes. After removing from the heat, cover with a towel and let it brew for 15 minutes. The porridge is ready to eat. You cannot add sugar, butter and other fatty additives to the pearl barley, it is advisable not even to salt it.

В the strictest and most effective option diet should eat only one barley, dividing the specified volume into 5 equal servings. Be sure to drink plenty of water. Empty green tea and herbal teas are also allowed.

The next diet option on barley – more loyal. Here you can add a small amount of chopped apples (preferably green varieties) and a couple of prunes to breakfast. For lunch, porridge can be supplemented with a piece of fish or meat, cooked without adding oil, and a salad of non-starchy vegetables. And for dinner, you can just eat low-fat cottage cheese and drink a glass of kefir or natural yogurt. You can snack on small amounts of fruit, but bananas are not advisable. Choose the lowest calorie fruit.

As a rule, a week of pearl barley diet takes from 4 to 7 kilograms. The result depends on the individual characteristics of the organism, the amount of excess weight and the rigor of the method. It is worth noting that in the first days excess fluid leaves the body, and therefore the departure of the first kilograms is also associated. And after three or four days, the hated fat begins to melt.

There is also another popular option for the pearl barley diet… You can stick to it for one week. In the first two days, you need to eat only porridge. In 3-4 days, add green apples to the barley in an amount of up to 3 pieces per day. You can eat the fruit raw, you can bake it. And on days 5-6, in addition to porridge and fruits, it is allowed to replace porridge with low-fat cottage cheese (up to 150 g). On the last diet day, which prepares you for the post-dietary life, the menu is especially varied. So, you can additionally enrich the diet with boiled lean meat (100-150 g), which is better to eat at lunch.

Maintain a new figure in the future will help unloading pearl barley day… To do this, simply prepare 250 g of pearl barley (preferably in the way described above) and eat it empty during the day, observing the principles of fractional nutrition and not forgetting to drink abundantly. In addition to regular water during the unloading period, you can drink green tea without sugar. Try to refrain from everything else. For a smooth weight loss, you can spend one fasting day on cereals per week. If your goal is to keep in shape, then such unloading is sufficient once every 10-14 days.

The diet menu

An example of a weekly diet of barley diet (1st option)

Breakfast: pearl barley porridge with pieces of apples and prunes.

Snack: pear.

Lunch: pearl barley; boiled chicken fillet; salad of cucumber, tomato and greens.

Afternoon snack: half an orange or grapefruit.

Dinner: cottage cheese with a fat content of up to 4% (100-150 g); a glass of kefir or natural yogurt.

An example of a weekly diet of barley diet (2st option)

Days 1-2

All meals are the same and consist only of barley porridge prepared according to the above recipe.

Days 3-4

Breakfast: pearl barley with half a shabby apple.

Snack: baked apple.

Lunch: pearl barley.

Afternoon snack: baked apple.

Dinner: pearl barley with half a shabby apple.

Days 5-6

Breakfast: pearl barley and baked apple.

Snack: half an apple

Lunch: barley and baked apple.

Afternoon snack: half an apple.

Dinner: a portion of low-fat cottage cheese (up to 150 g).

Day 7

Breakfast: pearl barley and baked apple.

Snack: apple.

Lunch: barley porridge with a piece of boiled chicken fillet (up to 150 g).

Afternoon snack: puree from one fresh apple.

Dinner: a portion of low-fat cottage cheese (up to 150 g).

Contraindications to the pearl barley diet

  • Adhering to the pearl barley diet, of course, is impossible in case of individual intolerance to this cereal. Although this phenomenon is rare, since pearl barley does not belong to the category of allergens.
  • In large quantities, barley is not recommended for people with increased acidity of gastric juice, often encountering constipation (porridge “strengthens”) and other digestive disorders.
  • Also taboo for losing weight with the active use of pearl barley is the presence of chronic diseases during an exacerbation, intolerance to vegetable protein. Of course, a consultation with a doctor does not hurt anyway.
  • Pregnant and lactating women, children and the elderly are better off not experimenting with their health in this way.

Advantages of a pearl barley diet

  1. Losing weight on pearl barley, as a rule, is comfortable due to its satiety. Porridge contains the right carbohydrates, this helps to saturate the body and calmly wait until the next meal. The maintenance of the correct functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the acceleration of metabolism is facilitated by the fractional nutrition recommended by the method.
  2. The use of barley has a positive effect on health and appearance. This cereal is rich in amino acids, magnesium, iron, calcium, manganese, copper, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, zinc, lysine, vitamins of groups A, B, E, D, K. Vegetable fiber, which is in sufficient quantities in cereals, contributes to the natural cleansing the intestines from slag and toxic deposits and fecal stones. Regular consumption of barley improves digestive processes, removing problems with stool and giving a pleasant feeling of lightness.
  3. Phosphorus is involved in the regulation of brain activity and metabolism, helps assimilate other useful substances. Vitamin A is useful for the organs of vision, improves the condition of hair and teeth, strengthens the immune system. Barley helps to reduce the level of bad cholesterol, cleanses blood vessels, and increases hemoglobin. Lysine maintains heart health, resists colds, slows down the aging process. Doctors recommend barley for people with ulcers, colitis, pancreatitis.
  4. Also, the presence of pearl barley in the diet significantly improves the condition of the skin. For this “thank you” is worth saying to collagen, which is responsible for the rejuvenation and elasticity of our outer “shell”. Vitamin B improves the condition of the hair, the purity of the skin integument, improves the functioning of the nervous system, and its D group friend contributes to the proper development and strengthening of the musculoskeletal system. It also helps to strengthen teeth and bones. This product is especially useful for diabetics and people with allergies. Pearl barley contains many amino acids, which reduce the body’s susceptibility to external stimuli that give rise to allergic reactions of various kinds. Barley porridge is a powerful antioxidant, because it contains a lot of selenium (according to this indicator, barley is three times higher than the famous rice).
  5. Nutrition experts strongly recommend that everyone, regardless of their desire or unwillingness to lose weight, consume barley porridge at least two to three times a week. This way you can preserve youth and improve health.

Disadvantages of a pearl barley diet

  • Of course, if you do not like barley at all, this technique will not work for you. Even those who are loyal to it can get bored with the use of this porridge.
  • If you are afraid that you will not have enough willpower to complete what you have begun to the end, it is advisable to choose not a mono-variant of the diet, but one that has a wide variety of diet.
  • A diet on barley can be difficult for people who cannot imagine life without a sufficient amount of meat and fish products, as well as for those with a sweet tooth.

Re-dieting on barley

If you sat on a pearl barley diet for up to a week, you can reapply to it in a month. If the diet-marathon lasted longer (up to two weeks), then it is better to wait 1,5-2 months until the next start of the technique.

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