Intestines diseases

Bowel disease often leads to malabsorption of nutrients. Into the body there comes not only the deficiency of fat or protein, but also other important for normal functioning substances – vitamins, calcium, potassium and iron.

How to organize food that the body gets from food all the necessary?

A complete diet possible

The main principle of diet in diseases of the intestines – is the most complete diet with adequate calories.

Violation of digestion leads to the fact that a person loses weight rapidly not only by fat reserves, but at the expense of muscle mass. Therefore, the amount of complete protein in the menu should be increased to 130-140 g and above.

Also need to do a fractional nutrition: five to six meals per day, reduce the burden on the digestive tract and improve the absorption of nutrients.

Additional vitamins

While the cause of the disease is not resolved, an adequate amount of vitamins and nutrients the body can not get.

Therefore, after consultation with the doctor you should start taking recommended vitamin complexes. And in some cases, doctors even prescribe injections of vitamins.

Minerals from dairy products

To fill the shortage of minerals will help dairy products. Protein and fat in them is digested at minimum load on the digestive organs, and phosphorus and calcium is enough to maintain the body’s balance of these substances at a normal level.

Fresh milk and dairy products in intestinal diseases are sometimes transferred too bad, but fresh cheese and unsalted cheese with low fat are digested normally.

Therefore, in diseases of the intestine, nutritionists recommend to abandon even the most “healthy and natural” yogurt and choose the fresh and well wrung out cottage cheese and mild cheeses.

Take into account features of the disease

Other select products depending on characteristics of the disease. For example, diarrhea and constipation requires a completely different diet.

Products that stimulate bowel movements and having a strong laxative effect: black bread, raw vegetables and fruits, dried fruits, legumes, oats and buckwheat, sinewy meat, fresh kefir, koumiss.

Weaken the bowel foods that are rich in tannin (tea, blueberries), mucous soups and the wiped porridges, warm and hot dishes.

Diet No. 4

For the treatment of diseases of the intestine, there is a special diet number 4, which has four additional options, which are assigned depending on the severity of the disease and its cure.

The most severe – in fact, №4 – the most restrictive of the entire digestive tract, which are low in fat and carbohydrates. All meals to be steamed or boiled and be sure to wipe to the state tender puree.

But the diet №4B is suitable for those who have suffered bowel disease, and wants to move gradually to normal diet. Calorie content of this diet is 3000 kcal, which is well suited trying to gain weight lost due to the disease. The meal fraction.

Diet number 4B

Products NotCan
BreadPastries, pies, rolls, sweet pastriesDry biscuits, low fat biscuits, yesterday’s bread
SoupsFatty rich broth, soups with meatThe weak low-fat broth with cereals, pasta and vegetables well razvivayuschiesya
Meat and fishAll sausage products, sausages, meat of old animals, all fried foodsLean meat without tendons, in the form of cutlets or meatballs, poultry without skin, lean fish. All steamed, boiled or baked without fat.
Dishes from cereals, side dishesMillet and barley porridge, milk porridge, sweet, large pasta, mushrooms, garlic, radishes, sorrel, green raw vegetablesCrisp cereal grains from the gentle on the water, puddings, small pasta with a little butter, boiled vegetables with soft texture
EggsRaw and hard boiled, fried scrambled eggsSteam omelets, a selection of proteins
Sweet dishesCakes, pies, sour fruits and berriesBaked apples, sweet berries and fruits with a soft texture, a natural sweet juices
Dairy productsWhole milk, sour milk productsMilk in the form of additives in low-fat dishes and mild cheese sour fresh cheese, cheese pasta and casseroles
DrinksSweet drinks, strong tea and coffee, alcoholBroth hips, weak tea
FatsPlant small, fat, Margarines and spreads10-15 g of butter in the ingredients

The most important

In case of serious diseases of the intestine, the absorption of nutrients is very difficult, so the diet should be balanced and have enough calories. But you will have to avoid foods that can increase load on the digestive system and provoke the escalation of the disease. Diet No. 4 – still a good way to regain the lost disease weight.

More about diet while inflammatory bowel disease watch in the vide below:

Eating Healthy with Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Read about diets for other illnesses in our specialized category.

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