Diet for the third blood group, 7 days, -3 kg

Losing weight up to 3 kg in 7 days.

Average daily calorie content from 950 Kcal.

According to doctors, the preparation of an individual diet taking into account the blood type can significantly improve health and prevent various diseases. In addition, knowing the principles of nutrition for your blood group helps you choose foods that help you lose or gain weight. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with a diet designed for people with a third blood group, of which, according to statistics, there are about 20% on our planet.

Diet requirements for the third blood group

The owners of the third blood group are called nomads. According to historical data, such blood was formed as a result of migration processes and the domestication of domestic animals by humans. People, in whose veins blood of the 3rd group flows, are characterized by the following features:

– stable nervous system;

– good immunity;

– developed system of the digestive tract;

– a tendency to combine physical and mental labor;

– susceptibility to fewer diseases than representatives of other blood groups.

Before composing a balanced diet, people with the third blood group need to learn about foods that can lead to weight gain or weight loss. Based on this knowledge, you can calculate the diet based on your goals and desires.

So, foods that add weight:

– corn (it can slow down the metabolism and the production of insulin by the body);

– peanuts (contributes to the occurrence of hypoglycemia – a decrease in the amount of glucose in the lymph below the permissible norm);

– lentils (reduces the level of absorption of nutrients by the body);

– buckwheat (worsens metabolic and digestive processes, and also helps to reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood);

– sesame seeds (can also cause hypoglycemia and slow metabolism);

– wheat (provokes a decrease in insulin production and helps to more actively store fat).

Rђ RІRѕS, these foods can help in weight loss and keeping you lean:

– lean meat and fish, eggs (help to accelerate metabolism and minimize the development of muscle dystrophy);

– green vegetables (activate metabolism and help the intestines work properly);

– dairy products, low fat and low fat content (supply the body with vital calcium and adjust the metabolism);

– licorice root (normalizes blood glucose concentration).

Let’s now take a closer look at each product category. This will help to create the highest quality and useful menu.

Of the meat products for people with the third blood group, the most useful are mutton, lamb, venison, rabbit meat. You can eat, but in a limited amount, turkey, various liver, veal, beef, pheasant fillet. And completely exclude from the diet is chicken meat, duck, heart, pork, meat of geese, partridges and quails.

As for fish, sardines, pike, halibut, hake, salmon, flounder, sea bass, sturgeon will be especially good for you. You can also eat catfish, slab, herring, scallop, shark, yellow and silver perch. It is recommended to refuse crayfish, lobster, pike, crabs, rock perch, beluga, mussels, octopus, shrimp and turtle meat.

Speaking of dairy products, we note that the most acceptable use of cheese made from homemade goat or sheep milk, homemade curd, natural yogurt, kefir, goat and cow milk with a minimum percentage of fat. Neutral dairy products are considered to be butter, whole milk, whey, edible casein, cream cheese, soy cheese and the same milk, various hard cheeses and buttermilk. But processed cheese, blue and American cheese, various glazed curds, fatty ice cream are harmful to the body.

As for fats and oils, it is recommended to supply meals mainly with olive oil (of course, moderation is important). From time to time, cod liver oil and flaxseed oil can be added to the diet. It is advisable to give up sunflower, peanut, sesame, cottonseed and corn oils.

Among seeds and various nuts, no particularly useful products stand out at all. Some that you can occasionally allow include American nuts, sweet chestnuts, almonds, walnuts, and pecans. It is recommended to exclude sesame seeds, paste made from it, peanuts and the same paste, sunflower seed, sesame halva, poppy seeds and pine nuts.

Rice cakes, millet bread and the same bread are popular among bakery products. Gluten-based bread, rye meal bread, soy bread, oat bran muffins and spelled bread are considered neutral foods. No need to say rye and wheat bread.

Of cereals and cereals, it is especially useful to use rice, oats, millet. And it is better to give up shiritsa, barley, rye, corn, buckwheat.

Among legumes, dark beans, lima beans, vegetable beans, and red soy are recommended. Occasionally, you can eat white beans, green peas, copper beans, green beans, fava beans, broad beans, and hulled beans. Avoid contact with lentils, cow and lamb peas, corner and radiant beans, black beans, and spotted beans.

Cauliflower, sweet potatoes, beets, green and yellow bell peppers, Brussels sprouts and white cabbage are considered especially useful vegetables and herbs. It is also recommended to introduce into your diet a sufficient amount of parsnips, broccoli, carrots, beet leaves, hot paprika, young mustard. White peas, zucchini, spinach, fennel, mushrooms, dill, green onions, fodder turnips, asparagus, ginger, chicory, all types of onions, potatoes, lettuce, kohlrabi, and Japanese radish should be consumed in slightly smaller quantities. Nutritionists advise to refuse pumpkin pepo, olives, corn, ordinary radish, Jerusalem artichoke, artichokes and soybeans.

Recommended berries and fruits are bananas, cranberries, grapes, plums, papaya, pineapple. Apricots, elderberries, oranges, tangerines, peaches, blackberries, strawberries, currants, kiwi, figs, strawberries, raisins, grapefruit, nectarine, mangoes, lemons and melons are recognized as neutral. Coconut, carom, prickly pear, pomegranates, rhubarb, persimmon are undesirable.

If you want to supply food with spices and spices, it is recommended to choose ginger, parsley, horseradish, curry, cayenne pepper. Avoid allspice, barley malt, tapioca, edible gelatin, cornstarch, white pepper, and corn syrup. It is desirable to exclude ketchup from sauces and, of course, frankly high-calorie and fatty additives of this type.

The most useful liquids for people with the third blood group are green tea, juices from papaya, cranberries, pineapples, cabbage, grapes (preferably freshly squeezed). You can drink, but not often, black tea, apricot juice, regular and decaf coffee, various citrus juices, water with lemon juice. From alcohol, it is better to opt for wine or drink a little beer. It is not recommended to drink tomato juice, various kinds of soda, seltzer water and liquids containing strong alcohol.

The most useful additives that can be used to prepare teas, for example, are rose hips, sage, licorice and ginger root. You can drink drinks and eat dishes with the addition of echinacea, curly sorrel, hydrastis, dandelion, St. John’s wort, verbena, chamomile, smooth elm, strawberry leaves, valerian, thyme. The ban applies to hops, aloe, gentian, shepherd’s purse, hay, corn stigmas, coltsfoot, hay fenugreek, red clover, linden.

If there are no contraindications, it will not be superfluous to engage in some kind of sport. For the owners of the third blood group, it is most appropriate to load the body with yoga, swimming, tennis, exercise on an exercise bike or riding a regular bicycle, jogging, and you just need to walk more.

Speaking about the timing of the diet, we note that there are no specific time periods for its observance. The basic rules must always be true, because they do not contradict the principles of proper nutrition. Allow yourself a little digression from time to time if you wish. But remember that everything should be in moderation. Be sure to listen to your body and do everything so that nutrition affects it in a beneficial way.

The diet menu

Example of a diet for the third blood group for 3 days

Day 1

Breakfast: a portion of boiled rice in the company of apple slices; herbal tea based on St. John’s wort.

Snack: banana.

Lunch: bowl of cream soup made from carrots, mushrooms and potatoes; a salad of boiled chicken eggs, a small amount of sardines, hard cheese, lightly seasoned with olive oil or low-fat sour cream.

Afternoon snack: salad of cucumber and carrots.

Dinner: a slice of boiled beef with stewed eggplant and bell peppers.

Day 2

Breakfast: oatmeal cooked in water or low-fat milk with pieces of dried fruit; a cup of green tea.

Snack: a couple of plums.

Lunch: cream soup based on broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower; any fruit.

Afternoon snack: about 50 g of dried apricots.

Dinner: braised hare and a few tablespoons of rice with vegetables.

Day 3

Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese mixed with an apple; a glass of berry juice.

Snack: banana.

Lunch: a portion of mushroom soup with grilled vegetables; salad of slices of beef, cucumber, Chinese cabbage and cilantro.

Afternoon snack: a glass of yogurt.

Dinner: baked lean fish fillet with boiled green beans.


All owners of the third blood group can adhere to the diet described above, if they are not shown another special diet. And then, with a competent approach and mandatory consultation with a qualified doctor, it will be possible to eat according to the rules of the method with some modifications in any case.

Advantages of the third blood group diet

  1. You can eat hearty, varied.
  2. A wide range of permitted products allows you to plan a menu based on your taste preferences.
  3. The food offered is available. There is no need to turn to outlandish culinary ingredients and give up the usual food.
  4. Along with improving well-being and strengthening health, you can, by adjusting the menu, both lose and gain weight. The diet is versatile.

Disadvantages of the third blood group diet

  • Despite the fact that you can eat a lot, there are certain prohibitions. If you want the diet to be effective, you need to give up some foods or significantly minimize them in your menu.
  • For those with a sweet tooth and lovers of high-calorie baked goods, introducing new rules can be difficult.
  • It is also worth paying attention to the fact that for the effectiveness of the technique, it must be followed as long as possible.


Sticking to a diet for the third blood group, if you feel good, you can always, whenever you want.

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