Diet for skin, 3 weeks, -8 kg

Losing weight up to 8 kg in 3 weeks.

The average daily calorie content is 900 Kcal.

Our nutrition affects not only the figure, but also the condition of the skin. The skin is an important part of the body’s excretory system. All the food we consume “passes” through them. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that the appearance and condition of the skin leaves much to be desired with an incorrectly composed menu.

Of course, cosmetic procedures and various kinds of means can somewhat rehabilitate the “covering” of our body, but nothing can replace properly organized nutrition.

Diet requirements for skin

According to the requirements of the diet for the skin, a weighty taboo is imposed on the use of products containing trans fats, a lot of salt, and sugar. You should also exclude (at least limit as much as possible) “fast” food, various canned food, semi-finished products, fried and pickled dishes, fatty sweets. The use of a considerable amount of alcoholic beverages, soda, liquids with sugar, coffee and smoking is far from the best reflected on the skin.

Nutrition for the skin must contain the correct type of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Without carbohydrate products, a person will begin to experience a lack of energy and quickly get tired. To prevent this from happening, you need to provide the body with vegetables, fruits, cereals (brown rice, unprocessed oatmeal, buckwheat), coarse bread, various legumes, nuts.

The proteins needed for skin beauty and well-being are found in lean fish and meat, eggs, seafood, dairy and sour milk products. But excellent sources of healthy fats are fatty fish, olives, vegetable oils (olive, flaxseed), avocado.

As a rule, a tangible result of the skin diet appears 3-4 weeks after its start. Although, undoubtedly, the effect depends on the condition of the skin, how carefully you monitor food, what are the individual characteristics of your body.

Also, no matter how right you eat, it is very important to drink at least 7-8 glasses of clean water a day. Lack of fluid in the body is a direct path to problems, not only with the skin, but also with health and well-being in general.

As for the number of meals on this method, you should not eat too rarely. Eat at least three times a day. For those who are accustomed to fractional “communication” with food, it is not forbidden to have a snack between the main meals. The amount and energy value of servings should be determined based on how much you need to eat (but not overeat) and feel comfortable. And if you want to lose weight in parallel with modernizing the skin, just reduce the daily calorie content to 1200-1500 energy units and, if possible, connect to sports. Surely in this case, not only positive changes in the condition of the skin will soon make themselves felt, but the figure will change to your delight.

Sitting on a diet for the skin, in the absence of contraindications, with good health, adjusting the calorie threshold (if necessary), you can as much as you like. But keep in mind that by making your skin perfect thanks to nutrition, and then, using anything you like, without focusing on healthy products, you will not be able to keep the result obtained for a long time. Therefore, it is worth making friends with the basic rules of the technique for a long time, if you want the appearance not to give another reason for frustration.

Below you may find skin health products, which are recommended to be used in your diet as often as possible, regardless of the condition of the skin. After all, it is known that problems are easier to prevent than to solve later. So why not take care of the beauty and attractiveness of your skin in advance?


It is not for nothing that doctors and nutritionists call nuts “a product of eternal youth.” They contain coenzyme Q10 and vitamin E, which significantly accelerate the renewal of skin cells and are powerful antioxidants that protect the “insides” of the skin from the damaging effects of the sun and other adverse environmental conditions. But don’t forget that nuts are quite high in calories. 50 g of this product 3-4 times a week or 30 g daily will be enough.

Red and orange vegetables

The gifts of nature of just such a color scheme (in particular, carrots, bell peppers, tomatoes) are rich in beta-carotene, an antioxidant that renews skin cells.

Sour fruits and berries

Strawberries, grapefruits, black currants, oranges, kiwis, etc. contain a lot of vitamin C, which stimulates the formation of collagen, which prevents premature aging of skin cells.


Fish products (especially herring, mackerel, salmon) are an excellent source of vitamins A and D, omega-3 fatty acid. These substances relieve inflammation and help the skin acquire a healthier and more attractive appearance.

Whole grain bread and cereals

Grain products contain a lot of silicon, which stimulates the production of a sufficient amount of collagen and vitamin B. The first ingredient significantly strengthens the epidermis, and the second – softens the skin and helps it renew itself in a natural way.


The components of this fruit perfectly fight the aging process of the skin, help fibroblasts (cells that are seriously responsible for the production of elastin and collagen) live longer. The use of pomegranate can slow down the aging process and keep the skin attractive for as long as possible.

Olive oil

It is known that dry skin ages faster than others. The frequent presence of this type of vegetable oil in the diet can make the skin more moist from the inside. However, you should not refuse masks and other cosmetic procedures with the use of olive oil.


This fermented milk product is rich in selenium and vitamin E, which protect the skin from premature aging.


This tropical fruit is rich in essential oils that perfectly nourish the skin from within. It’s also great that avocado contains a vitamin such as niacin. It has anti-inflammatory effects.

Green tea

It is one of the leading drinks in terms of antioxidant content. 3-4 cups of green tea a day (preferably without sugar and with a slice of lemon) significantly improves the “appearance” of the skin. And when applied externally (for example, as a lotion), green tea is great for helping to fight bags under the eyes and eliminate excess puffiness.

Skin diet menu

Sample diet for skin for 5 days

Day 1

Breakfast: 2 chicken eggs boiled or cooked in a dry pan; a slice of lean ham or boiled meat; a couple of grain crisps; tea, to which you can add a little milk.

Lunch: a bowl of vegetarian borscht; turkey fillet, stewed in the company of white cabbage; carrot salad dressed with lemon juice.

Dinner: rice with baked chicken fillet and a glass of tomato juice.

Day 2

Breakfast: a couple of tomatoes; whole grain bread; low-fat cottage cheese; a glass of orange juice.

Lunch: buckwheat porridge; boiled chicken egg; a glass of lean meat broth; 2 tangerines or 1 orange.

Dinner: baked fish and non-starchy vegetable salad, flavored with a few drops of vegetable oil; a glass of pomegranate juice.

Day 3

Breakfast: an omelet of two chicken eggs and tomatoes; an Apple; a cup of green tea with lemon.

Lunch: bowl of vegetable soup without frying; a portion of rice with a seafood cocktail; tomato juice.

Dinner: a couple of whole grain crisps with slices of lean ham and unsalted cheese apple and pear salad; tea.

Day 4

Breakfast: muesli or oatmeal, which can be seasoned with a teaspoon of natural honey or jam; a handful of nuts; whole grain bread with cheese and green tea.

Lunch: pumpkin puree soup; boiled veal and a couple of fresh cucumbers.

Dinner: cod stewed in the company of non-starchy vegetables; grapefruit juice.

Day 5

Breakfast: buckwheat porridge; a loaf of bread with a slice of ham; tea or a glass of fruit juice.

Lunch: bowl of lean cabbage soup; mashed potatoes (preferably without adding butter); steamed chicken cutlet and a pair of tangerines.

Dinner: a stew of your favorite vegetables and a cup of green tea.

Diet contraindications for the skin

The diet for the skin has no strict contraindications. You should not sit on it only if you have any deviations in terms of health, which require a different menu.

Benefits of a Skin Diet

  1. Diet in combination with cosmetic procedures really restores youthfulness to the skin, which can significantly reduce even deep wrinkles, up to the full restoration of skin firmness and elasticity.
  2. The cutaneous diet includes a complete set of foods necessary for the normal functioning of the body.
  3. In addition to improving the condition of the skin, on a diet, you can lose weight and modernize your appearance in general.
  4. It is also good that you do not need to starve, you can eat tasty and varied.
  5. Products are available and menus can be tailored to suit your taste.

Disadvantages of a diet for the skin

  • Diet for the skin does not change the state of the “shell” of the body instantly. For the appearance of a visible result, you need to wait at least a couple of weeks.
  • And with the basic dietary provisions it is better to make friends for a long time, changing many dietary habits.


Since the principles of a diet for the skin with a well-designed menu do not pose any threat to health, you can resort to it again as soon as you want.

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