Diet for beauty and health of hair, 4 weeks, -12 kg

Losing weight up to 12 kg in 4 weeks.

The average daily calorie content is 970 Kcal.

Hair splits, breaks, falls out, and their appearance leaves much to be desired? Of course, using good shampoos, balms and other cosmetics for your hair and scalp is very important. But with the wrong diet, it will be much more difficult to achieve the desired result. If you find that, despite your efforts to improve the condition of your hair, you are not happy with it, it may be worth reconsidering your eating habits. Let’s take a look at a special hair diet.

Diet requirements for hair beauty

Introducing the top 10 products to improve hair health and appearance. Consider if the following foods are enough in your diet. If the answer is no, modify your menu as soon as possible.


The meat of the inhabitants of the seas (especially from the salmon family) is rich in polyunsaturated omega-3 acids, which supply the body with the right fat, which is also necessary for a healthy scalp. With a lack of these substances, the skin can become dry, and the hair – faded and thinned. In addition, fish are an excellent source of protein. It also contains a lot of vitamin B12 and iron, which nourish the hair and help to strengthen it. If you are a vegetarian and do not eat fish, it is recommended to include in your daily diet at least one tablespoon of vegetable oil (best of all, flaxseed). You can season salads with it. The main thing is not to subject the oil to heat treatment.

Green vegetables

Hair needs components that are present in the required quantities in leafy and green vegetables (spinach, broccoli, beetroot, etc.). They contain vitamins A and C, which help the body produce sebum. It helps to avoid dry scalp and serves as a natural conditioner for hair. Dark green vegetables supply the body with a particularly large amount of useful iron and calcium.


Beans (beans, lentils and others) help to strengthen hair due to the content of zinc, iron, biotin, the lack of which is very often caused by hair breakage. For healthy hair, many nutritionists recommend consuming 2 cups of beans or lentils weekly.


Be sure to include different types of nuts in your diet. Each of the types of this natural gift has a certain usefulness directly for the hairline. For example, Brazil nut is one of the wonderful sources of selenium, which both improves the condition of the scalp and gives strength to the hair. Walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids (namely alpha lipolenic acid). Almonds and cashews are high in zinc, a deficiency of which is a common cause of hair loss.

Poultry meat

Turkey and chicken fillets are a source of protein component that helps to strengthen and accelerate hair growth. If there is not enough protein in the diet, hair weakens and becomes brittle. And with a long absence of protein in the menu, they become dull and lose color. Poultry meat is especially prized for the bioavailability of the protein it contains.


Chicken eggs contain biotin and vitamin B12 – beauty nutrients that help strengthen hair and improve its structure.


These treats perfectly nourish hair thanks to the presence of zinc in them, which is a powerful antioxidant. Of course, not everyone can often include oysters in their diet. In this case, their role can be fulfilled, in particular, by lean beef and lamb.

Whole grain

Whole grain breads and similar cereals are enriched with many minerals and vitamins, which also contribute significantly to strengthening hair. This happens due to the presence of iron, B vitamins, zinc in them.

Dairy and sour-milk products

These products (in particular natural yoghurt and milk) are excellent suppliers of calcium, an important mineral for strengthening hair and accelerating hair growth. Casein and whey, which are present in milk, are also considered very valuable protein components. And if you add nuts, you get a delicious and healthy snack.


This vegetable is rich in vitamin A, which, in addition to its overall health benefits, is very important for maintaining a healthy scalp. And, as you know, the healthier the skin, the better the condition of the hair. Eat carrots in their pure form, include in salads. Heat it less often to preserve more nutrients in it.

You can supplement this list with other useful products: various cereals, dried fruits, vegetables, fruits and herbs.

But as rarely as possible, you should eat the following food (or it is better to completely exclude it from the diet, at least for a certain time):

– baked goods and sweet flour products;

– fatty meat and high fat cheese;

– soda (even low-calorie);

– various fatty sauces and mayonnaise;

– black coffee and strong tea;

– alcoholic drinks;

– semi-finished products;

– canned food;

– various fast food;

– shop sweets (if you wish, you can occasionally allow yourself a small amount of marmalade, marshmallow, dark chocolate, honey and jam).

It is advisable to eat five times a day and not overeat. How much to eat on a hair diet is up to you. It all depends on the characteristics of the body and dietary goals. Of course, if you want to lose weight, the diet should be reduced in calories. Agree, at the same time improving the appearance and condition of your hair and shedding a few extra pounds is doubly pleasant.

It is necessary to use an abundant amount of clean water, the lack of which can also spoil the look of your hair. Adequate amount of water – at least eight glasses a day – stimulates the proper blood circulation in the hair follicles and the delivery of various essential nutrients to them. You can also drink green and herbal teas, preferably without sugar, you can add a little natural honey to them. Fruit and vegetable juices, homemade compotes are allowed.

By adjusting the calorie content, sometimes allowing yourself food indulgences, you can sit on a hair diet for any amount of time. After all, it, in general, is a balanced diet without significant restrictions and rigid frameworks.

By the way, regardless of whether you are satisfied with the physical form, and whether you want to lose weight, it is very desirable to play sports on a hair diet. Even two to three hours of physical activity per week improves blood circulation, which stimulates the appearance of hair and accelerates its growth.

Hair health diet menu

Example of a weekly hair diet meal plan


Breakfast: a portion of oatmeal with honey, dried fruits and nuts; ginger tea.

Snack: Whole grain bread with a slice of cheese and cucumber, sprinkled with sesame seeds.

Lunch: chicken fillet stewed with potatoes; vegetable salad of cucumbers, arugula, lettuce, seasoned with a teaspoon of low-fat sour cream.

Afternoon snack: grapefruit or orange.

Dinner: chicken breast, boiled or grilled; boiled chicken egg; a couple of cucumbers; a cup of lime or green tea.


Breakfast: cottage cheese with nut mix and green tea.

Snack: a couple of slices of watermelon or melon.

Lunch: grilled salmon steak with herbs.

Afternoon snack: a handful of prunes.

Dinner: brown rice and baked eggplant; green tea.


Breakfast: buckwheat and stewed liver, as well as a portion of green vegetable salad.

Snack: radish with various herbs, seasoned with a small amount of vegetable oil.

Lunch: a bowl of pumpkin-based puree soup and a slice of boiled chicken breast.

Afternoon snack: a couple of nectarines.

Dinner: bean stew and a glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice.


Breakfast: millet with caraway seeds and sesame seeds; green tea.

Snack: 2-3 kiwi.

Lunch: vegetable stew and tomato juice.

Snack: banana.

Dinner: fish jellied and low-fat kefir.


Breakfast: a steam omelet of two chicken eggs and a couple of tomatoes with parsley and dill; Herb tea.

Snack: a handful of nuts.

Lunch: a bowl of vegetarian borscht.

Afternoon snack: a couple of whole grain crisps; pear or apple.

Dinner: boiled shrimp; Apple juice.


Breakfast: casserole of cottage cheese and fruit slices with 1 tsp. sour cream of minimum fat content.

Snack: a handful of dates or figs.

Lunch: brown rice with a seafood cocktail; green tea.

Afternoon snack: grated carrots with lemon juice.

Dinner: stewed cod fillet and a glass of low-fat kefir.


Breakfast: salad of feta cheese, bell pepper, various herbs, seasoned with olive or flaxseed oil in a small amount.

Snack: Kiwi, berry, and empty yogurt mousse.

Lunch: boiled asparagus with vegetables.

Afternoon snack: pomegranate or a few slices of avocado.

Dinner: a couple of steamed chicken cutlets and a fresh cucumber.

Diet contraindications for hair beauty

  • Since a diet for hair includes many products, and the minimum number of forbidden delicacies falls under the number (and, moreover, the body can do without these dishes), it practically has no contraindications.
  • Diseases requiring special nutrition, the principles of which are not similar to the proposed method, can serve as an obstacle to its compliance.
  • If you are in doubt about your health, consult a doctor for advice to minimize the occurrence of possible risks.

Benefits of a healthy hair diet

  1. In addition to improving scalp and hair health, this diet has a positive overall effect on the body.
  2. Immunity is strengthened, a person begins to feel more vigorous and more active.
  3. It also improves the condition of all skin, nails, etc.
  4. The variety of products on offer makes the diet fun. You can eat tasty, healthy, improving your appearance and shedding extra pounds (if necessary).
  5. This technique does not make you suffer from hunger and completely give up some favorite foods.

Disadvantages of diet for hair beauty and health

  • If we talk about the disadvantages of this diet, you should pay attention to the fact that you should not expect an instant result when switching to a new diet. To notice a tangible effect, you need to make diet rules the norm for a long time. But in a particularly strict regime, it takes about 4-5 weeks to follow the technique.
  • A hair diet requires a radical reshaping of eating habits, which may not be easy for people whose diet is far from the norms of a healthy lifestyle, and whose menu contains a lot of sweets, flour products and other non-dietary foods.

Re-dieting hair

If you wish, you can return to the hair diet again at any time, and it is advisable to never deviate from its basic principles.

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