Curd diet, 5 days, -5 kg

Losing weight up to 5 kg in 5 days.

The average daily calorie content is 625 Kcal.

Curd is a popular and healthy product. Its use is recommended for people diagnosed with atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, liver and gall bladder diseases. But, besides this, you can lose weight with the help of cottage cheese. There is a special curd diet for weight loss, with several types of which we recommend that you familiarize yourself.

Curd Diet Requirements

You can carry out both a complex cottage cheese diet and just a small unloading on this food product for 1-2 days. Still, you do not need to continue such a diet for more than a week.

The main requirements of the curd diet is to divide all meals by 5 times. That is, fractional meals are recommended, which, as you know, in itself, contributes to weight loss. It is allowed to drink pure non-carbonated water, green tea, rosehip broth, various herbal teas and infusions. Remember that all drinks we drink are not sweet. It is highly recommended to give up artificial sweeteners and sugar substitutes.

Curd diet menu

Now we suggest that you familiarize yourself in detail with the menu of different diet options for this product.

First option: cottage cheese (500 g) and kefir (2 glasses) should be divided into the 5 meals recommended above, and eat in equal amounts.

In second option it is recommended to slightly increase the amount of kefir to 1 liter, and reduce the mass of cottage cheese to 300–400 g.

We use cottage cheese 0-5% fat. If this is not a one-day unloading, then it is better not to use purely fat-free cottage cheese. Consuming it can deprive the body of the nutrients it needs to function properly.

It is highly discouraged to follow these types of diets for more than 5-7 days.

Curd diet menu options

But on the next diet – third option curd diet – it is allowed to hold out for one week. According to her rules, you need to eat 4 times a day. Eat 100 g of cottage cheese with a bite of food bran each time (1-2 tsp).

The fourth option – cottage cheese-apple diet – the amount of cottage cheese is 400 g, kefir is also 2 glasses (you can replace milk with 1% fat). But one additional apple is included in the menu. The duration of the diet in this version is also 5 days.

The fifth option – curd-banana diet – 400-450 g of cottage cheese and 2 bananas are required from products per day. For breakfast-lunch-afternoon snack-dinner we use 100 g of cottage cheese and half a banana. The duration of the diet in this version is 5 days. Weight loss rate 1 kg / day.

Sixth option curd diet – curd-vegetable diet – the easiest in terms of restrictions:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal.
  • Second breakfast: salad of half a tomato and half a cucumber.
  • Lunch: cottage cheese 200 g.
  • Afternoon snack: orange, tangerine, two kiwis, an apple, half a grapefruit, or any fruit other than banana and grapes.
  • Dinner: 200 g cottage cheese or a salad of half a tomato and half a cucumber.

This option is convenient for two people. Weight loss up to 7 kg. Additional sports are recommended, or at least an increase in physical. activity. The duration of this diet option is 7 days.

Contraindications to the curd diet

Of course, you cannot sit on a curd diet:

  • those who have a food intolerance to this type of product and / or are allergic to it.
  • during breastfeeding,
  • in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy,
  • with high physical exertion,
  • with some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • with some forms of diabetes,
  • with some forms of hypertension,
  • with deep depression,
  • with gastritis with high acidity,
  • if you have had recent surgery,
  • if you have heart or kidney failure.

In any case, you should consult a doctor before starting a diet.

Advantages of the curd diet

Along with losing weight, the beneficial intestinal microflora also improves. The complexion becomes healthier. Due to the calcium contained in the curd, the condition of teeth and nails is improved, hair becomes stronger and healthier. In general, not only your figure is transformed, but also your appearance.

The protein in cottage cheese is one of those that are easily digested. It helps those who are losing weight to eat quickly and satiates much easier than meat. So, as a rule, losing weight on cottage cheese is very comfortable and is not accompanied by an acute feeling of hunger. Cottage cheese is rich in many minerals and various amino acids. These substances are necessary for the full development of the body. One of them is methionine, which helps break down fats.

Everyone knows that cottage cheese is a storehouse of calcium. But it is not famous for this single component. For example, it also contains iron, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, which also help the body to be healthy. Cottage cheese can also boast of the presence of casein, which normalizes fat metabolism and lowers blood cholesterol levels.

Disadvantages of the curd diet

Among the tangible disadvantages of this diet, it should be noted that this type of weight loss gives a noticeable load on the liver and kidneys. So, with the existing violations of the work of these organs, you do not need to lose weight in this way.

And it is worth considering that, nevertheless, most options for losing weight on cottage cheese boast of an unbalanced diet. The body is not supplied with all useful substances.

Repeated cottage cheese diet

Curd diets, in order not to cause significant harm to the body, are recommended no more than 2 times a month.

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