Cross split: use and the 12 most effective exercises

Side splits is one of the most spectacular demonstrations of flexibility and stretching. We offer you best exercises, through which you can sit on the side splits.

Transverse twine, as a rule, more difficult to develop than the longitudinal. To sit on the side splits, you need not only to stretch the muscles and ligaments of the legs, but also greatly improve the mobility of the sacrum and hip joints. The path of the twine can be long, so be patient, its development takes from a few months to a year.

The use of transverse twine

Side splits not only striking a pose, but very useful. You will receive a number of benefits from stretching for side splits:

  • Strengthen the leg muscles and make them toned and slim.
  • During exercise for the side splits also work on back muscles, lower back and abs.
  • Thanks to stretching the splits, you will improve the work of the organs of the pelvis and genitourinary system.
  • Elastic ligament and flexibility in the hip joints is the key to good health during pregnancy and easy delivery.
  • Stretching for side splits is a good prevention of diseases of the abdominal cavity and the digestive tract.
  • You will improve the stretch of the hip joints that are involved in many strength and aerobic exercises. This will allow you to perform exercises with greater amplitude and efficiently.

Before performing exercises the splits, make sure you perform warm-up warm-up. When muscles are not warmed up and are not prepared, exercise stretching will be ineffective. You will not achieve progress and put aside the dream of a transverse twine for an indefinite period.

If you want to do the splits faster you can purchase a special device for stretching for side splits. Stretch out with this exerciser is very convenient and comfortable – you do not need external pressure and retention provisions. Simulator for stretching your muscles will be relaxed, and more pliable for stretching, so you sit down on the string much faster.


10 exercises to stretch and warm up before the splits

Consistently perform the following exercise. Your body heats up, heart rate will increase, you will feel a pleasant warmth in the muscles. If you feel that after exercise warmed up enough, repeat the complex again.

Each exercise is indicated the number of repetitions on one side. For example, the first exercise walking in place raising the knees. You should perform 20 leg lifts right leg, 20 leg lifts with the left foot, i.e. a total of 40 repetitions. You can increase the number of repetitions, at its option (to reduce is not recommended!).

1. Walking in place raising the knees: 20 reps

2. Mahi to leg: 20 reps

3. Rotation for the hip joint: 20 reps

4. Side lunge: 15 reps

5. The tilt to the leg: for 15 reps

6. Squat and bend back: 20 reps

7. Back lunges: 10 reps

8. Jumping rope: 40 reps

9. Running in place: for 40 reps (just count to 80 synchronously with the movement)

10. Jumps breeding arms and legs: 35 repetitions

To perform exercises for side splits is possible only on a heated body. Classes stretching for side splits without warming up is not only ineffective, but also very traumatic.

See also:

  • Top best video for stretching the splits
  • 20 tips on how to do the splits + 19 exercises (photo)

Exercises for side splits

Muscles and ligaments need time to stretch out, so stay in each pose for at least 30 seconds. Gradually increase this period to 2-3 minutes (can be more if the body allows). To get rid of discomfort, always when stretching breathe deeply and try to relax.

During exercise for the side splits is not round back, always reach the top of the head up. Do the exercises in the comfort of amplitude and with the proper technique.

For the photos thanks to the official youtube channel of Olga Saga.

Exercise 1

Widely spread your legs, spread your feet, hips and knees look maximize output. Exhaling, sit down, pull your hips, push the knees back, the emphasis is on opening the hips. Fix the squat and hold this position. The weight of the body evenly distributed on both feet, keep the back straight. Then press your elbows into the inner part of the thigh near the knees, pelvis pull to the floor can add a light jiggle. This exercise for the side splits stretches the groin and inner thigh.

Exercise 2

Raise your knee up and take it as aside. On the exhale, straighten your leg and again bend the knee. Stop during the exercises are always fully stretched. Perform 10 repetitions, then hold on the leg and hold in position with a raised leg for 30 seconds. Repeat with the other leg. If you don’t have enough balance, you can hold hands behind the chair.

Exercise 3

Widely spread your legs, and inhaling, lift the chest up and exhale bend to the right leg. Keep hips and knees was tightened. Hold this position. Go to the slope to the other foot and also hold this position. Then grasp hands over shins of both legs and pull in the slope. The back should not be rounded, reach the thighs stomach.

Exercise 4

Descend in the lateral lunge, if possible lower the heel of the supporting leg on the floor. Takes place the other leg out, knee straight, pull the foot for themselves. Lean hands on the floor. If allows stretching and balance, grasp near the knee, hand, hands interlock behind back to the castle and pull out the spine. This is a good exercise to stretch inner thigh muscles that will help you to quickly get on side splits.

Exercise 5

From sitting on the heels, open the hips as widely as possible and try to sit on the buttocks, heel tight to the buttocks, the back should be straight. If you can’t sit on your buttocks, put them under a blanket or a yoga block. Pull the spine up. On the exhale, rotate the chest right, continuing to pull the top up. Then turn in the other direction. Hold on the center, back straight.

Exercise 6

From the previous position go backwards, rest your palms or forearms on the floor and lie down on the floor. Then take the pelvis forward and leave it on the same line as the hips and knees. Connect the socks, the belly is tucked up, the crown drag upwards. Hold this position. The frog is one of the most effective exercises for side splits.

Exercise 7

Get on your knees. Right knee upright and the left leg to the side and exhale feet go in different directions. The right leg is bent at a right angle. In the extreme position to relax and breathe. Then switch legs.

Exercise 8

Sitting on the floor, put your feet together and move them as to the pelvis. The back should be straight. If your back straight to keep does not work, put it under the buttocks pillow or yoga block. You can stay in a static position and you can slightly wiggle trying to lower the legs to the floor. The butterfly is very well disclose the hip joints and is one of the main exercises to get on side splits.

You can simplify the situation if push the foot away from the pelvis.

Exercise 9

Lie down near the wall, clinging tightly to her the entire rear surface. Stretch legs straight up, exhale, bend your legs, pull your knees to yourself and to breath open the hips to the sides. Breathe deeply and relax.

Exercise 10

Widely spread your legs on the exhale, bend parallel to the floor and bring the hands to the floor. Tailbone stretches back, head forward, legs pulled up, feet looking up. If you stretch, gently bend your arms and lower forearms to the floor. Hold this position.

Pull out the spine with my hands up and smoothly down the slope to the leg. Hold this position and go to the slope to the other foot.

Exercise 11

Lie on the floor and bend your knees. Raise your right leg up and grab the hand on the Shin or foot. Reject left hip to side, right foot get in the diagonal. If you don’t allow flexibility, the knee of the outstretched leg can be slightly bent. Lower the right toe to the line with the ear. The sacrum and loins lying on the floor. Hold this position and breathe deeply.

Exercise 12

Continue to lie on the floor. Both legs extend vertically upward at an angle of 90 degrees. Open legs apart to the maximum position and hold it. Pull the foot for themselves and keep the knees straight.

Exercise 13

If you still difficult to perform the previous exercise for the side splits, try the adaptive option. Lie down near the wall, clinging tightly to her the entire rear surface. Exhaling, bend your knees and begin to slide the feet down the wall, buttocks firmly pressed to the wall, the sacrum lying on the floor. Straighten your knees, stretch your foot itself. Help hands lower legs a bit lower and in an extreme relax position. Right and left thigh should be at the same level from the floor.

Each of these exercises for side splits will allow you to step to a flexible body. Remember to make classes effective, we need to stretch every day, and even better, 2 times a day (morning and evening). Only systematic stretching for the side splits will help you to reach your goal.

Screenshots used with official youtube channel of Olga Saga.

Exercises for splits

Yoga and stretching

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