
The history of the origin of this drink is hidden for centuries. No one will ever remember who first invented fermenting milk or noticed that this drink has a refreshing taste and beneficial properties. However, even in Homer’s famous “Odyssey” there is a mention of him, at the moment when the main character finds jugs of sour milk in the cave of the Cyclops.

Secrets of cooking

Buttermilk is very easy to prepare. At home, it is much easier to prepare than any other fermented milk product. Indeed, at its core, curdled milk is sour milk.

In fact, it can be obtained by leaving the milk to sour in a warm room, but in order to be more confident in a good result, several rules for fermenting the product can be given.

For curdled milk, whole milk that has not undergone any industrial processing is ideal. In extreme cases, store-bought is also suitable, but with a short shelf life. Any fermented milk products with live bacteria are suitable for the role of the starter culture. It can be kefir or sour cream, which are stored for no more than 14 days. You can also use fresh rye bread, especially if it is made from yeast dough, and not using special chemical leavening agents. The amount of starter does not really matter, one teaspoon is enough. For a richer taste, a little sugar is often added. But this, of course, is optional.

The manufacturing process is quite simple. Milk must be heated and brought to a boil. Even a short boiling of the product is allowed, no more than one minute. But the main thing is to make sure that it does not curl up. The heating process is needed in order for the product to be cleansed of unnecessary harmful bacteria. After that, it should be cooled to a temperature of about 30-40 degrees. It should be extremely warm, but not hot, otherwise all lactic acid bacteria will quickly die in a hot environment. Then add the sourdough starter to the milk and, if necessary, sugar. The resulting product should be wrapped in a warm blanket, for better thermoregulation, and left for about 6-8 hours. You can also use a thermos instead of a blanket to keep warm longer. It is convenient to cook the product in the evening and leave it warm overnight, then in the morning you will have delicious fresh curdled milk ready. You need to store it in the refrigerator for about 4-5 days.

If the milk used to prepare the product has already begun to turn sour, then heating it will cause it to curdle immediately, and all further actions are useless. In this case, it is recommended to use heating in a water bath. It can also be noted that you can make yogurt without heating and boiling. But then several types of bacteria will begin to multiply at the same time, which will lead to uneven fermentation of the product. And also this process will proceed for quite a long time, especially in winter.

Types and distribution of the product

Historically, all fermented milk products are mostly distributed on the territory of the former USSR. Even in Rus’, people constantly cooked and drank fermented milk, which is probably why the Russian peasant has always been considered a hero and a good fellow. After all, it is in such products that the maximum amount of useful for health and strengthening of the body is contained. They say that their regular use can even prolong life. If we talk specifically about yogurt, then it is widespread in Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia. This product is less in demand in European countries and the USA.

Lactic acid fermentation drinks can also include such as:

  • ryazhenka;
  • varenets;
  • yogurt;
  • matsoni;
  • mechnikov yogurt.

Ryazhenka can be called Ukrainian curdled milk in another way. It is considered the most fatty product and contains a large amount of minerals. This product is prepared on the basis of baked milk and is recommended for use in atherosclerosis and physical activity.

Varenets is also a product made from baked milk. This type of curdled milk is very common in Siberia. He acquired a special love when used with tea.

Mechnikovskaya yogurt is one of the varieties of ordinary yogurt, with pronounced antibacterial properties, it has a certain composition of vitamins and minerals, useful for people leading a healthy lifestyle.

Yogurt is also a product of lactic acid fermentation, but contains a lot of fat-free solids.

Matsoni – Georgian curdled milk. For its preparation, a very valuable bacterium for the human body is used – matsun stick.

Composition and useful properties

From a scientific point of view, the well-known biologist, Nobel laureate Ilya Mechnikov proved the undoubted benefit of eating yogurt. He rightly believed that death and premature aging of the body occur due to poisoning of the body with microbial poisons that can accumulate in the intestines if an environment favorable for their reproduction is created there. Therefore, the biologist paid great attention to the intestinal microflora. He called sour milk, which contains the Bulgarian lactic acid bacillus, the best way to combat pathogenic microorganisms. He himself consumed fermented milk products all his life, and promoted their use everywhere for health and longevity.

The composition of curdled milk includes essential and non-essential amino acids that are easily absorbed by the body and are the main component of proteins: methionines (0,071 g), valines (0,157 g), leucines (0,267 g), histidines (0,074 g), lysines (0,215 g), arginines (0,1 g), threonines (0,126 g), tryptophans (0,041 g), phenylalanines (0,14 g), aspartic acid (0,179 g), glycines (0,038 g), prolines (0,248 g), cysteines (0,02 .3 g) and others. It also contains useful fatty acids omega-0,03 (6 grams) and omega-0,1 (2 grams), saturated (1,12 grams) and unsaturated (XNUMX grams) fatty acids. They are valuable as prophylactic agents for coronary heart disease, hypertension and atherosclerosis.

It also contains a rich mineral composition, represented by potassium (144 mg), magnesium (16 mg), calcium (118 mg), sulfur (28 mg), sodium (51 mg), chlorine (98 mg), phosphorus (96 mg) , iron (0,1 mg), cobalt (1 mcg), iodine (9 mcg), chromium (2 mcg), manganese (0,005 mg), selenium (2 mcg), molybdenum (5 mcg), fluorine (20 mcg) , copper (10 μg) and zinc (0,4). Of particular note is the high content of calcium and phosphorus, which together have a great influence on the strength of bone tissue, improve the condition of the teeth, and also contribute to the proper development and growth of the child’s body. And the sulfur, which is part of the product, will be positively evaluated by beauties, because it helps to improve the condition of the skin and hair, strengthens the nail plates, and significantly prolongs youth and beauty.

The vitamin composition of curdled milk is represented by vitamin A (22 µg), vitamin H (3,39 µg), vitamin PP (0,8 mg), vitamin C (0,8 mg), retinol (0,02 mg), beta carotene (0,01 XNUMX mg) and B vitamins:

  • thiamine ‒ 0,03 mg;
  • riboflavin – 0,13 mg;
  • choline – 43 mg;
  • pantothenic acid – 0,38 mg;
  • pyridoxine ‒ 0,02 mg;
  • folates – 7,4 mcg;
  • cobalamin ‒ 0,34 μg.

Vitamin H helps to improve the absorption of carbohydrates, and vitamin B12 is necessary to improve metabolism and promote proper metabolism. In addition, in conjunction with vitamin B9, it is involved in hematopoiesis.

The calorie content of the product is approximately 60 kcal, and the nutritional value is represented by proteins (2,9 grams), fats (3,2 grams) and easily digestible carbohydrates (4,1 g).

Thanks to this composition, yogurt has found wide application not only in cooking, but also in the field of medicine and cosmetology, is indispensable in the diet menu and can be used in baby food.

Medical use

In folk medicine, curdled milk is used to treat diseases such as:

  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • colitis;
  • enteritis;
  • gastritis;
  • stomatitis;
  • colds.

Lactic acid bacteria, which are part of the product, play an important role in the normalization of beneficial intestinal microflora and kill pathogenic microorganisms that cause dangerous diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. That is why it is useful in the treatment of dysbacteriosis. If you regularly use yogurt, you can get rid of shortness of breath and hangover. Pregnant women and nursing mothers are advised to drink half a glass of any fermented milk drink, as a high calcium content will have a beneficial effect on the child’s body.

Recipes of traditional medicine

With colds

Compresses with a mixture of curdled milk and vegetable oil can be applied to the chest and back. Exactly the same heated composition is used for ingestion, approximately 1-2 tablespoons.

With stomatitis

Add three crushed garlic cloves to half a glass of drink. Lubricate the ulcers in the oral cavity with the resulting mixture three times a day.

With intestinal dysbiosis

Add breadcrumbs and finely chopped garlic to fresh curdled milk, put the mixture in the refrigerator. Apply daily at bedtime for five days. Also, to treat this problem, you can do enemas with yogurt.

Used in cosmetics

Yogurt has long been used by Russian women as a product to preserve beauty and youth. On its basis, various creams, body wraps, products to improve the condition of the hair were made. Now curdled milk is also actively used in home cosmetology, as this product is rich in minerals and vitamins that are beneficial for the body, and can also help improve metabolism and normalize the acid-base balance. This product is used for:

  • lightening age spots;
  • cleansing oily and problem skin;
  • daily washing, like milk for removing makeup;
  • fight against cellulite;
  • strengthening and nourishing hair;
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands.

Diet properties

Yogurt has a positive effect on metabolism and significantly speeds up metabolism, which undoubtedly plays a big role in diets and a healthy lifestyle. All nutritionists recommend using it on fasting days, which it is advisable to arrange for your body once a week. The use of yogurt these days will allow you to lose extra pounds without risk to health, and keep yourself in great shape.

There are even several diets that offer the use of fermented milk products in their diet. These are the diets of Dolina and Protasov. Widespread in the open spaces of the network, as a diet on dairy and sour-milk products.

Harm and Hazardous Properties

The use of curdled milk during an exacerbation of pancreatitis, cholelithiasis and hepatitis is contraindicated.

It is not recommended to use this product for erosive gastritis or gastritis with high acidity, as well as for peptic ulcer.

Of course, you should always pay attention to the shelf life of the product in order to prevent intestinal poisoning.


Yogurt has long been considered a very useful product. Daily consumption of the drink not only affects the healing of the body, but can also prolong life. It is practically harmless and has no significant contraindications for use, but still it should be used with caution in exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as in pancreatitis and hepatitis. This drink contains a rich vitamin complex and mineral balance, which help the body resist external factors, are used to prevent various diseases and contribute to the overall strengthening and proper development of the body. Useful qualities of curdled milk are highly valued in the cosmetology field and are widely used in traditional medicine. It is highly valued in healthy and dietary nutrition. It is very wonderful as an independent product, but also in cooking, various pastries are prepared with it and used to make cold soups.

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