“Born enchanted”: the method to better endure contractions

To be born enchanted, what is it?

“To be born enchanted is both a philosophy and a ‘toolbox’, to give birth in the best way you want,” explains Magali Dieux, founder of the method. The future mother then helps herself to sound vibrations. It consists in producing a sound, mouth closed or open, during the contraction. This vibration helps move through contractions, with or without an epidural. The future mother welcomes the contraction without tensing up, without opposing it. At the same time as she produces this sound, the future mother speaks in thought to her baby, to her own body. The pain felt is reduced and the parents are in touch with their baby throughout the delivery.

Born enchanted: who is it for?

For couples who want to reclaim their childbirth. For fathers who want to be involved in accompanying their wives through the ordeal. 

Being born enchanted: when to start lessons?

You start when you want, but most women prefer to start in the 7th month. This corresponds to the start of their maternity leave, a time when they are planning on giving birth. The ideal is to train every day afterwards. The goal is to decondition oneself from the tension reflex in the face of contraction. We teach women to stay open, smile and sound.

Being born enchanted: what are the benefits?

Women experience greater satisfaction after practicing the vibration during childbirth. Even with an epidural or cesarean section, they don’t feel like they are enduring or abandoning their baby. They stay in touch with him. After childbirth, “Born enchanted” babies would be more awake and calmer. The parents continue to vibrate when the child cries and he calms down by recognizing the sounds that rocked his fetus.

Born enchanted: preparation under the microscope

The “Naître enchantés” trainers offer either five individual sessions or a two-day course. Parents learn to produce vibrations, but also to gain self-confidence in their role as parents. A training CD completes the training.

Being born enchanted: where to practice?

The maternity hospital in Pertuis (84) will soon be labeled “Naître enchantés” since all the medical staff have been trained there. Practitioners are spread all over France.

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“This preparation is perfect for dads”, Cédric, dad of Philomène, 4 years old, and Robinson, 2 and a half years old.

“Anne-Sophie, my wife, gave birth for the first time in June 2012, then in July 2013. These two births were prepared with the“ Naître enchantés ”method. She had met Magali Dieux who had offered her to do the internship. She told me about it. I was reassured to know that it would not be singing, because I am a poor singer! During the internship, we were able to learn a lot of techniques to vibrate by staying connected and to take over. We practiced a little bit at home. During the delivery, we were admitted to the maternity ward and placed in a ward. We started to make vibrations on each contraction. We continued when a young midwife arrived. She was surprised, but preferred the vibrations to the screams. Even at the most extreme moments, when Anne-Sophie was losing her footing, I was able to help her concentrate by vibrating with her. She gave birth in 2:40, without epidural, without tearing. The second time, it went even better. We were already vibrating in the car. The midwife did not believe us when Anne-Sophie told her that she was going to give birth quickly, but three quarters of an hour later, Robinson was there. The midwife congratulated Anne-Sophie by telling her: “It’s great, you gave birth on your own”. This preparation is perfect for dads. When I tell other fathers about it, it makes them want to. Friends have decided to do the same preparation. And they loved it. “

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