Booty swing – workout program for women from Nicole Wilkins

Booty swing – workout program for women from Nicole Wilkins

Say goodbye to your butt and get a beautiful butt by following these great glute exercises from Nicole Wilkins, you will learn how to build firm and toned buttocks.

A little about Nicole

I have been doing gymnastics for about 13 years and have always been interested in health and fitness issues. When I was in my senior year of school, I participated in the Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic gymnastics competition and decided to go to see the finals of the fitness competition. I just fell in love with this sport and told myself that one day I will also participate in such competitions.

In 2007 I won the IFBB pro card (International Federation of Bodybuilding) in the Figure and Fitness nominations! I also completed my BA in Health, Health Promotion and Injury Prevention from the University of Auckland, and I do online training with the Northwest Fitness Group.

Nicole Wilkins Glute Exercise

Dumbbell Bench Rise

Stand in front of a horizontal platform with dumbbells in each hand. Step onto the platform with one foot, and then lift the other leg so that you end the exercise with both feet on the platform. Then, carefully lower yourself off the platform with the same foot you used to climb onto the platform.

Repeat the exercise, starting with the other leg, and continue to alternate the legs, no matter how many times you need to repeat the exercise. Don’t rush, don’t speed up your exercises. Do the exercise correctly. One wrong step up and you could twist your ankle!

Backward lunge

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold the barbell along the back of your shoulders. Start the exercise by taking one leg back in the same way as if you were taking a step back. Lunge well to stretch the muscle well.

Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise on the other leg. Keep your back straight as you exercise. Do not forget to thoroughly warm up your leg muscles before starting the exercise; because we don’t want to get hurt the first time we stretch.

Lunges to the side

Stand up straight, take dumbbells in your hands. Take a step to the right with your right foot, keeping your toes straight and your foot flat. Sit on your right leg; your left leg should remain extended. Squat as slowly as possible.

Hold this position for 2 seconds. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise on the other leg. Make sure the knee on your “working” side is behind your toes. Also, make sure that the other leg remains extended, the back is straight, and the chest is looking forward. Don’t bounce when you lunge.


Despite the fact that this exercise is usually called a lumbar back exercise, hyperextension works well for strengthening the gluteus muscle. Lie face down on the machine. Place the top of your thighs on a flat pad and the back of your legs under the round pads. Stretch your body so that your upper torso rises above the flat stand.

Place your hands on the back of your head or criss-cross on your chest. In any case, start the exercises from the correct starting position. Bend forward at the waist until your body is at about a 90 degree angle. Keep your thigh and glute muscles tense as you return to the starting position.

Pumping the buttocks – program from Nicole Wilkins

  • 3 approach to 15 reps for each leg
  • 3 approach to 15 reps for each leg
  • 3 approach to 20 reps for each leg
  • 3 approach to 20 reps with a weight of 5-10 kg

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