Bloating: what to do in case of a bloated stomach?

Bloating: what to do in case of a bloated stomach?

Belly and bloating: a disgestive disorder

Bloating is more common in women than in men. They constitute digestive disorders in the same way as nausea or heartburn.

Sometimes called “farts” or “winds” in colloquial language, but also gas or aerophagia, bloating is a build-up of gas in the small intestine. This build-up causes tension in the intestine and thus swelling of the abdomen. As a result, bloated people often admit having a feeling of “bloated belly”.

What are the causes of bloating?

The causes of bloating are numerous and may first of all have a direct link with lifestyle:

  • A poor diet (fatty, sweet, spicy foods, carbonated drinks, alcohol, coffee, etc.) irritates the digestive system and can cause bloating. Consuming foods too rich in carbohydrates such as starches or apples would lead to fermentation (= transformation of sugar in the absence of oxygen) also leading to gas.
  • Aerophagia (= “swallowing too much air”) makes the stomach work “empty” and can cause intestinal disorders. This phenomenon occurs when we eat or drink too fast or with a straw or when we consume too much chewing gum, for example. 
  • Anxiety and stress would also promote bloating because they cause contraction of the intestines and aerophagia.
  • Practicing an endurance sport can also be a source of digestive problems appearing during exercise. Sporting effort dries up the gastric mucosa and causes bloating. However, low physical activity can also cause bloating because it makes the colon contractions too weak.
  • Tobacco, because of the nicotine it contains, increases the acidity of stomach contents and can be a source of intestinal gas.
  • Likewise, heavy use of laxatives irritates the colonic lining and can lead to bloating.
  • During pregnancy, the uterus presses on the intestine and can give rise to gas. During menopause, estrogens, known to fight against bloating, decrease and therefore cause intestinal gas. Aging is also conducive to bloating due to a loss of muscle tone and intestinal lubrication.

Other reasons can cause flatulence such as illnesses:

  • Lactose intolerance would promote fermentation and therefore bloating, as well as irritable bowel syndrome (digestive disorder characterized by discomfort or painful sensations in the stomach) which changes the speed of passage through the stomach. colon.
  • Bloating can also be caused by constipation, gastroesophageal reflux disease (= heartburn), gastrointestinal infection, food poisoning, appendicitis attack, functional dyspepsia (= stomach which does not distend well after meals and gives a feeling of too full), or by a stomach ulcer (= wound on the lining of the stomach) which can cause pain and cramps.
  • A fragile dentition would promote inflammation, can make the walls of the intestine fragile and lead to bloating.

The consequences of a bloated stomach

In society, bloating would be the cause of discomfort or embarrassment.

They are also said to cause a feeling of swelling in the abdomen accompanied by pain in the intestines, gurgling in the digestive tract, spasms and twists.

In case of bloating, it is possible to feel a need to expel gas and a need to belch (= rejection of gas from the stomach through the mouth).

What solutions to relieve bloating?

There are many tips for preventing or relieving bloating. For example, it is advisable to avoid carbonated drinks, to eat slowly and chew well or to limit the consumption of foods that can ferment.

Taking charcoal or clay would also help absorb gas and thus reduce feelings of bloating. Phytotherapy, homeopathy or aromatherapy are also solutions to fight against bloating by asking the advice of your doctor beforehand.

Finally, consider seeing your doctor to diagnose a possible disease such as lactose intolerance or irritable bowel syndrome that may be responsible for bloating.

Read also :

Our dossier on bloating

Our sheet on aerophagia

What you need to know about digestive disorders

Our milk dossier

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  1. Cel into engangisiza ekhay ngokuqunjelw nakh ngifaa sizan

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