Best days and times to exercise

In all seriousness, only happy owners can talk about the ideal time of day or day of the week for physical activity. absolutely free days seven days a week. Students, working people, young mothers choose the time of classes based on their own capabilities – if the first pair on Tuesday is consistently absent from the schedule, it is foolish not to take the opportunity to train.

Workout week

Most people working out in the fitness rooms choose Monday, Wednesday and Friday for their workouts so that they can fully devote themselves to family business or travel on the weekend. As a rule, for those who train three times a week, this schedule is optimal – there is time for rest and recovery, the work week coincides with the training schedule. The disadvantages of such a regime are obvious – these days in any gym there is the greatest number of people, there are fewer opportunities to “snatch” free exercise equipment and a decent coach.


There is always a way out – to reduce the number of workouts or postpone their time to another day. There are simply no ideal days of the week for classes, only individually each individual selects the optimal regimen. The main thing is the regularity of the classes, but it will take place on Tuesday or Friday, it doesn’t matter.

Daytime workout hours

No self-respecting coach and athlete will undertake to give clear recommendations at what time you need to be in training. There are owls and larks in sports too. The schedule of work, study and motherhood (for which there are simply no schedules) dictate their own rules. However, general guidelines are available for each time of day.


07-09 hours (morning). A newly awakened body has the lowest temperature and an unwakened metabolism, therefore, without a long warm-up to warm up the muscles, injuries are quite possible. The best options for morning classes are cardio and yoga.

11-13 hours (noon). Half of the day is devoted to work or study, the body needs a shake-up. Exercising during lunch stimulates blood flow to the brain, which helps to stay in top mental shape (not to mention physical) for the rest of the day. Running, cycling, or exercising on a simulator without weights will be most successful.


15-17 hours (day). Body temperature rises steadily, and resistance training will be perfect as testosterone rises. A time when the muscles are soft and the joints are flexible is also suitable for swimming and all kinds of stretching exercises. The risk of injury is minimal.


19-21 hours (evening). The optimal types of physical activity for the evening will be martial arts, dances and any team games. The stress from the whole day is relieved with minimal cost, and the effect of the exercises continues all night, when during the rest the muscles do not get tired of growing.

What time for training and classes you choose, taking into account the state of health, wallet and availability of free time, try to consolidate it and turn it into a system. Physical activity should bring joy and benefit, and if you have to reshape the developed regime or refuse to eat, just to get into the gym “on time”, you need to think – who is for what? Are we for training or training for us?


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