Australian pull-ups on the horizontal bar – what it is and features of the exercise

The Australian pull-up is a simpler alternative to the classic barbell pull-up. This exercise is suitable for both men and women of any fitness level.

Australian pull-ups are also known as horizontal grip, low bar, barbell, barbell, hanging, or horizontal pull-ups.

This is not the most popular, but a simple and very effective exercise for the back. It is suitable for both men and women of all fitness levels.

How Australian pull-ups are performed

The body is positioned in space so that the pull-up bar is at chest level. Feet ideally should be rested on the bar pancake lying on the floor. If there is no pancake, the feet are placed on the floor with emphasis on the heel, the knees are slightly bent.

Then they act according to the following algorithm:

  1. Perform hanging on the crossbar with a direct grip slightly wider than the shoulders.
  2. Take a step or two forward and relax the body.
  3. On inspiration, pull the body up to the crossbar due to the tension of the back muscles.
  4. Before reaching 3–5 cm to the bar of the bar, they reduce the shoulder blades and hold their breath for a couple of seconds.
  5. On exhalation, the latissimus dorsi are strained and smoothly lowered down, preventing the body from sagging.

With a lightweight version of the exercise, it is permissible to bend your knees at a right angle. This posture enhances leverage and increases stability.

Experienced lifters perform the Australian one-arm pull-up.

  1. The free upper limb is pressed to the side, and the working one is shifted to the center of the body from a position characteristic of a narrow grip.
  2. The legs are spread wide. All the muscles of the body tighten and pull the chest to the crossbar. Minor turns of the body with this technique are inevitable. The torso should not scroll back and forth, this is the most popular mistake of this variation of the exercise.
  3. On parallel bars, it is convenient to perform Australian pull-ups with a neutral grip. This position of the body in space provides a load on the elbows and shoulders.
  4. The lower the bar is, the more effort you have to put in. When highly experienced lifters lower the bar, it is important to ensure that the body does not rest on the floor at the lowest point. The distance from the back to the floor should be at least 10 cm.

This exercise will be a good start for those who want to later learn how to pull themselves up in the classical way on the horizontal bar.

The main pros and cons of Australian pull-ups

  • The main advantage of this exercise is safety. It does not give any decompression or axial load on the spine. The load on the rotator cuff of the shoulder is 50% lower than with classic pull-ups (this is a significant factor for people with a large body weight).
  • On the other hand, this technique does not allow you to pump up a wide back. For this purpose, you need a classic horizontal bar. From the point of view of men who want to acquire powerful muscles, this is a minus. And from the point of view of girls who strive to remain graceful and at the same time detail the upper back muscles, this is a plus.

What muscles come into action

If you put your feet on the floor and take a straight middle grip, the main load will be on:

  • latissimus dorsi;
  • posterior deltoids;
  • biceps;
  • forearm;
  • wrist.

During the exercise, the back of the thigh, gluteal muscles, rectus abdominis and spinal extensors also work.

Alternative to traditional Australian pull-ups

In addition to the variations of the exercise that were described above, four more varieties are popular among beginner and intermediate athletes:

  1. In the Smith machine – This is the easiest variation. The legs rest against the racks of the simulator, the neck is rigidly fixed, the height of the crossbar is convenient to adjust.
  2. Reverse grip – This variety increases the load on the biceps and relieves tension from the back. The distance between the palms placed in a reverse grip should vary between 30–40 cm.
  3. On uneven bars – Bars are good because they provide a comfortable height. However, the fingers can be uncomfortable if the crossbar has a too large diameter. In such a situation, straps for brushes will come to the rescue. If you place your legs on a support, the body will fall into a horizontal plane. From the need to maintain a direct tense position, the load on all muscles will increase significantly: back, shoulders, arms and core.
  4. On rings and loops – This exercise is similar to TRX pull-ups. During its execution, you can turn your hands around – for example, start from a parallel position and finish pronated. Working with rings strengthens the arch support muscles of the shoulder joint. It is suitable only for experienced athletes due to the complexity of execution and high risk of injury.

Australian pull-ups are a versatile exercise that can be performed at home.

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