April 10 – Banana Day: facts about bananas that will surprise you

It was on April 10, back in 1963, that these overseas fruits were first sold in London. This fact was considered a worthy occasion to establish a special holiday in England in honor of the most popular exotic berry.

Yes, yes, berries! This is the first curious fact about the banana. And here’s another ..

  • The stem of banana grass sometimes reaches 10 meters in height and 40 centimeters in diameter. One such stem grows 300 fruits with a total weight of 500 kg.
  • Bananas contain more vitamin B6 than other fruits.
  • Bananas are not only yellow, but also red. Reds have more tender flesh and cannot tolerate transportation. The Seychelles island of Mao is the only place in the world where gold, red and black bananas grow. Locals serve them as a side dish for lobsters and shellfish.
  • Bananas are almost one and a half times more nutritious than potatoes, and dried bananas have five times more calories than fresh ones.
  • One banana contains up to 300 mg of potassium, which helps fight high blood pressure and strengthens the heart muscle. Each of us needs 3 or 4 g of potassium per day.
  • When peeling off the skin, remove all white threads. 
  • Mait Lepik from Estonia won the world’s first banana-eating speed competition. He managed to eat 10 bananas in 3 minutes. His secret was to swallow the bananas along with the peels – so he saved time.

What to cook with bananas

The healthiest thing is to eat bananas in their natural form. But they can be used in cooking in many ways. For example, you can bake bananas in batter or bake a lean banana pie.

Make delicious banana croutons for breakfast.


Bananas go very well with cottage cheese. A striking confirmation of this is the “Fitness Banana” curd roll and the curd soufflé with banana. 

You can also bake bananas, prepare banana ice cream and even jam on their basis.

Bon appetit! 

Recall that earlier we talked about how to make green bananas ripen, and also advised how to quickly and deliciously cook banana pancakes. 

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