About planning – it’s easy: how to fulfill your dreams and stay in harmony with yourself

First, let’s define the terminology. Dreams and desires – can be anything, even the most unrealizable. Goals are more specific, tangible and tangible, and plans are even closer to execution, these are steps towards big goals and even dreams.

1. “100 wishes”

It is difficult for many of us to wish for something more, it is difficult to dream, there is some kind of internal block, stereotypes often interfere with us, like “I didn’t deserve it”, “it definitely won’t come true”, “I will never have this ” etc. You need to completely get rid of all such installations from your head.

To unleash the potential of your desires – in other words, not to be afraid to dream – write a big, big list of 100 items. Write absolutely everything that comes to your mind: from a new juicer to a trip around the world or practicing vipasana in a Buddhist monastery. When 40-50 wishes are written on the list and it becomes difficult to come up with something new, just tell yourself that this is a task that must be completed in order to move on, and write-write-write. “Second wind” opens after 70-80 wishes, and it is already difficult for some to stop at the 100th line.

2. Your mission

Think about your mission in this world. What do you want to give people? What do you want to achieve? Why do you need it? It is very useful to imagine your life in 30-40 years, under what conditions and circumstances you will feel that life is a success. Think first about the result, about how you want to feel, and correlate each goal with these feelings, whether their fulfillment will help you get closer to your true self and your destiny.

3. Goals for the next few years

Next, write down goals for the next 3-5 years that will bring you closer to fulfilling your mission. 

4. Key goals by season

Now it’s time to think about which of the goals you will begin to implement right now, this spring. We propose to paint goals by seasons: winter, spring, summer, autumn. But, please note that goals can change dramatically during the year, because we are also in constant motion. However, the general purposefulness and the presence of goals makes life itself more meaningful. When distributing tasks throughout the day or week, try to follow the “important things” rule. First, plan what is important, urgent and do not want the most. When you do what is difficult in the first place, a huge flow of energy is released.

5. List of “daily routines”

To make dreams come true, it is very important to do at least something in their direction. Start by writing a list of small things to do on a regular basis. For example, if you want to “become more focused and aware,” then you need to add meditation to your daily to-do list. And this list can consist of at least 20 items, their implementation, as a rule, does not take much time, but it brings you closer to big goals. In the morning and evening, you need to run through the list with your eyes to remind yourself of what remains to be done or to check whether everything is done.

6. Say no to endless procrastination

To move towards your goals, the main thing is to start somewhere, and in order not to shy away from their implementation, it is important to focus on what is really important at the moment.

Firstly, you need to clearly plan your time: in the evening, imagine what things await you in the morning so as not to wallow in bed, the same applies to the evening. All free time should be planned so that it is not accidentally spent on “Internet surfing” and other “time wasters”.

Secondly, if the matter is not done at all, but only rewritten from one glider to another, you may not be properly motivated to complete it, try to find in this case something that will be in tune with your goals, something that will make you better, try find benefit for yourself from its implementation, and, of course, proceed without delay.

And thirdly, things that hang in space and time take a lot of energy, so set aside a specific time for them. Tell yourself that you will only be doing this for 15 minutes, set a timer, put your phone away and go. After 15 minutes, most likely, you will get involved and bring the matter to the end.

7. Two secrets for getting everything done

There are two opposite ways, but each of them is suitable for different types of cases.

a) Focus on what you are doing. To do this, you need to set a timer, put your phone away, and do what you need without being distracted by anything. This method is suitable for cases that require your full involvement.

b) Multitasking. There are cases that may well be combined, because they involve different organs of perception. You can easily prepare and listen to audio lectures or audio books at the same time, read a book and wait in line, sort mail and make a hair mask, talk on the phone and scroll through the news feed, noting what you will return to later, etc.

8. The main thing is the process

Do you know what is most important in planning and achieving goals? Not a result, not an end point, but a process. The process of achieving goals is a big part of our life, and it should bring joy. The result, of course, matters, but … periodically remind yourself that you are happy now, and for happiness you do not need to wait for the fulfillment of all-all-all desires. Be happy with what you are doing at the moment: whether you are choosing a vacation spot or gifts for loved ones, working on a project or writing a letter. Happiness is a state of mind that does not depend on the day on the calendar, on whether you have already reached sky-high heights or are moving towards your goal in small steps. Happiness is in the process of achieving goals! And we wish you happiness!


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