7 Steps to Better Breathing

Be aware of your breath

Breathing is such an instinctive and invisible process to ourselves that we can develop habits associated with it that we are not even aware of. Try to observe your breathing for 48 hours, especially during times of stress or anxiety. How does your breathing change during such moments? Do you have difficulty breathing, do you breathe through your mouth, fast or slow, deep or shallow?

Get in a comfortable position

As soon as you straighten your posture, your breathing will also even out in just a few breaths. A comfortable and correct posture means that the diaphragm – the muscle between the chest and abdomen that plays a key role in moving air in and out of the body – does not contract. Make sure you keep your back straight and your shoulders back. Lift your chin slightly, relax your jaw, shoulders and neck.

Pay attention to sighs

Frequent sighing, yawning, feeling short of breath, known as “air hunger” can all indicate excessive breathing (hyperventilation). This can be a simple habit that breathing control can help you overcome, but it’s not a bad idea to see a doctor for a checkup.

Avoid deep breaths

That deep breathing is good is not so true. When we are under stress or anxiety, our breathing and heart rate increase. Deep breathing results in less oxygen rather than more, which can increase anxiety and panic. Slow, soft, controlled breaths are more likely to help you calm down and come to your senses.

Breathe through your nose

In cases where you are not engaged in physical activity, try to breathe through your nose. When you breathe in through your nose, your body filters out pollutants, allergens, and toxins, and warms and humidifies the air. When we breathe through our mouths, the amount of air we take in increases noticeably, which can lead to hyperventilation and increased anxiety. While breathing through your mouth, your mouth also dries out, which can later lead to various problems with your teeth.

Solve the problem of snoring

Snoring can be associated with excessive breathing due to the increased volume of air inhaled during sleep, which can lead to unrefreshing sleep, fatigue, waking up with a dry mouth, sore throat, or headaches. To avoid snoring, sleep on your side and avoid heavy meals and alcohol before bed.


When you feel anxious, take the time to calm down and even out your breathing. Incorporate a few stress-relieving activities into your daily schedule, such as a walk in a park or a quiet area. When you get rid of stress, you will find that your breathing is effortless. This is the key to refreshing sleep, improved mood and health.

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