7 Problems the Ocean Faces

The paradox of the ocean is the most important global resource on planet Earth and, at the same time, a huge dump. After all, we throw everything into our trash can and think that the waste will disappear into nowhere by itself. But the ocean can give humanity many eco-solutions, such as alternative energy sources. Below are seven major problems the ocean is experiencing right now, but there is light at the end of the tunnel!

It has been proven that the huge amount of fish caught can lead to starvation of marine animals. Most seas already require a ban on fishing if there is still a way to restore the population. Fishing methods also leave much to be desired. For example, bottom trawling destroys the inhabitants of the seabed, which are not suitable for human food and are discarded. Extensive fishing is driving many species to the brink of extinction.

The reasons for the decline in fish populations lie both in the fact that people catch fish for food, and in their production for the production of health products, such as fish oil. The edible quality of seafood means that it will continue to be harvested, but harvesting methods must be gentle.

In addition to overfishing, sharks are in critical condition. Tens of millions of individuals a year are harvested, mostly for their fins. Animals are captured, their fins cut off and thrown back into the ocean to die! Shark ribs are used as an ingredient in soup. Sharks are at the top of the predator food pyramid, which means they have a slow reproduction rate. The number of predators also regulates the number of other species. When predators fall out of the chain, lower species begin to overpopulate and the ecosystem’s downward spiral collapses.

In order to maintain balance in the ocean, the practice of killing sharks must be stopped. Fortunately, understanding this problem is helping to reduce the popularity of shark fin soup.

The ocean absorbs CO2 through natural processes, but at the rate at which civilization releases CO2 into the atmosphere through the burning of fossil fuels, the ocean’s pH balance cannot keep up.

“Ocean acidification is now happening faster than at any time in the history of the Earth, and if you look at the partial pressure of carbon dioxide, you will see that its level is similar to the situation that was 35 million years ago.” said Jelle Bizhma, chairman of the Euroclimate program.

This is a very scary fact. At some point, the oceans will become so acidic that they will not be able to support life. In other words, many species will die, from shellfish to corals to fish.

The preservation of coral reefs is another topical environmental problem. Coral reefs support the life of a great many small marine life, and, therefore, standing one step higher up to humans, and this is not only a food, but also an economic aspect.

Global warming is one of the main causes of coral extinction, but there are other negative factors. Scientists are working on this problem, there are proposals to establish marine protected areas, since the existence of coral reefs is directly related to the life of the ocean as a whole.

Dead zones are areas where there is no life due to lack of oxygen. Global warming is considered the main culprit for the emergence of dead zones. The number of such zones is growing alarmingly, now there are about 400 of them, but this figure is constantly increasing.

The presence of dead zones clearly shows the interconnection of everything that exists on the planet. It turns out that the biodiversity of crops on earth can prevent the formation of dead zones by reducing the use of fertilizers and pesticides that run off into the open ocean.

The ocean, unfortunately, is polluted with many chemicals, but mercury carries a terrible danger that it ends up on the dinner table of people. The sad news is that mercury levels in the world’s oceans will continue to rise. Where does it come from? According to the Environmental Protection Agency, coal-fired power plants are the largest industrial source of mercury. Mercury is first taken up by organisms at the bottom of the food chain, and goes up directly to human food, mainly in the form of tuna.

Another disappointing news. We can’t help but notice the gigantic Texas-sized plastic-lined patch right in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Looking at it, you should think about the future fate of the garbage you throw away, especially the one that takes a long time to decompose.

Luckily, the Great Pacific Garbage Route has attracted the attention of environmental organizations, including the Kaisei Project, which is making the first attempt to clean up the garbage patch.

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