7 health benefits of grapefruit you should know about

The benefits of grapefruit for the human body

Grapefruits have long been known for their beneficial properties in weight loss, and therefore are most often associated with diets that help lose weight. There are many ways to incorporate them into a healthy diet, such as half a grapefruit with a boiled egg for breakfast or a grapefruit diet (serving this fruit with every meal speeds up metabolism and weight loss). And if earlier talk about the benefits of grapefruit was often perceived as another myth, today its many of its properties have been scientifically proven.

The benefits of grapefruit for men and women are overwhelming. In men, the rate of elimination of itraconazole was similar to whether taken with grapefruit juice or water. However, in women, grapefruit juice caused a dramatic decrease in the rate of excretion from their serum. Doctors warn that people should avoid grapefruit juice altogether when taking calcium channel blockers, which can reach levels 100-150% higher than normal, leading to a rapid drop in blood pressure.

There is speculation that grapefruit may directly increase estrogen levels in women. In men, grapefruit can increase the body’s production of aromatase, an enzyme that converts testosterone to estrogen in men.


In pregnancy

The huge amount of nutrients in grapefruit allows it to be recommended as a necessary product for the diet of pregnant women.

What is the use of grapefruit for the human body, in addition to weight loss?

The nutrient content of grapefruit is impressive: 100 g – 42 kilocalories, 1 g of protein, 31 mg of vitamin C (50% of the recommended daily allowance), 13 μg of folic acid, 135 mg of potassium, 22 mg of calcium, 9 mg of magnesium, 2 g of fiber, vitamins B1 and B6. And that’s along with a long list of antioxidants. Grapefruit isn’t just great for its refreshing flavor, low in calories and carbs (which will help curb your appetite so you can try eating it before meals if you tend to overeat). Plus, it lowers blood sugar, is rich in antioxidants, and contains 77 mg of vitamin C per serving. All of these help support your overall health and immune system.

What is the difference between white and red grapefruit?

Pink and red varieties contain the carotenoids lycopene and beta-carotene, in addition to all of the vitamins and antioxidants listed above. Eating red grapefruit can help lower triglyceride levels in patients with coronary atherosclerosis. Therefore, the beneficial properties of red grapefruit can be called simply amazing.

  1. Effective for weight loss

In a study by the Nutritional Medicine Research Center at Scripps Clinic (Nutrition and Medical Research Center at Scripps Clinic) in San Diego, 90 people took part, who were divided into 3 groups.

The first group ate half a grapefruit before each meal three times a day. The second group drank grapefruit juice before each meal three times a day. The third group did not eat grapefruit.

No other changes were made to their diet. The results showed that participants in the first two groups lost an average of 1,5 kg over 12 weeks, while in the third group, participants retained their previous weight. Scientists also noted that people in the “grapefruit” groups had lower blood insulin levels, which was associated with increased weight loss. The benefits of grapefruit for weight loss have been successfully proven.

  1. Insulin resistance

Grapefruit contains antioxidants such as naringenin, which improve insulin sensitivity and help maintain a healthy weight. Scientists have found that naringenin stimulates the liver to burn fat rather than store it. Grapefruit has also been found to help lower insulin levels as effectively as metformin.

  1. Appetite suppression

When insulin sensitivity is high and the body controls blood sugar levels, cells become more receptive to substances from food. This way, whatever we eat is burned more efficiently as fuel. And this promotes a healthy appetite.

  1. High cholesterol

Thanks to the soluble pectin fiber in grapefruit, this fruit removes cholesterol through the intestines. A study from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Hebrew University in Jerusalem), showed that one red grapefruit every day for 30 days lowers LDL cholesterol by 20,3% and triglycerides by 17,2%. And yellow grapefruit in the same mode reduces LDL by 10,7% and triglycerides by 5,6%.

  1. Cardiovascular diseases

Thanks to its antioxidants and potassium, grapefruit helps maintain vascular dilation, modulates blood sugar, stimulates weight loss, and lowers LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. All this works to protect the heart.

  1. Constipation

The acidity of grapefruit helps maintain bile formation, and when combined with fiber, it improves digestion.

  1. Immunity support

Thanks to its high content of vitamin C and other antioxidants, this fruit helps the immune system to fight infections and colds. There are some indications that vitamin C may also protect against oral and stomach cancers. Grapefruit also fight free radicals. Cancer, stroke, and heart attack may all be linked to untested free radicals; in addition to being anti-cancer properties, it reduces the risk of kidney and liver stones and is effective in preventing the hepatitis C virus. Preliminary laboratory tests show that naringenin can stop the spread hepatitis C virus by 80%.

Harm of grapefruit and contraindications

An article in the Canadian Medical Association Journal notes more than 85 drugs that can interact with grapefruit, with 43 of these interactions having potentially serious consequences. Therefore, if you are taking medications, you should consult your doctor before including grapefruit in your diet. The benefits of grapefruit for the human body are undeniable, however, be moderate and prefer a balanced diet to feel and look good.

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