7 foods that are easy to get carried away and therefore suffer

Some products, despite their obvious benefits, can harm our bodies. The use of any product should not be over the norm.


Lemon has a beneficial structure; it is valued for many vitamins and minerals, thanks to strengthening the immune system, removing the signs of colds, and improving blood vessels’ condition.

Many Housewives cut the lemon slices, put them in a jar, and covered them with a large amount of sugar. The product then is not as sour, and one can eat it a lot.

However, the lemon is a source of acid, which causes irreparable harm to the gastro-intestinal tract and severely irritates the mucous membranes. Also, lemon destroys tooth enamel and improves tooth sensitivity. So after drinking lemon, you need to rinse your mouth with water. And not to abuse it.

Low-fat dairy products

7 foods that are easy to get carried away and therefore suffer

Due to the low content of calories, dairy products are actively involved in different diets. But everything is not so simple. To enhance the taste and give them the necessary consistency and manufacturers add to the composition of harmful sweeteners and flavorings. Much healthier to consume dairy products with reduced fat content.


Carrot is the source of beta-carotene and other nutrients. But with the constant intake of beta-carotene accumulates and gives the skin a characteristic yellow tint. Even though this color’s health no does harm, it looks unsightly and terrifying.


7 foods that are easy to get carried away and therefore suffer

Coffee, despite the long controversy, can still be called a useful product. The alkaloid caffeine has stimulated the cardiovascular and nervous system and increases dopamine levels in the brain that make us feel alive. Coffee contains many antioxidants and phenolic compounds for cancer prevention.

All is fair if the coffee you’ll be drinking very moderately. A large amount of this beverage is fraught with headaches, heart disease, insomnia, nausea.

Fresh juices

Freshly squeezed juices are also a source of vitamins and minerals, but they are high calorie and nutritious. Besides, some ingredients of the juice can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, the amount of juice should always be standardized: no more than 2-3 glasses a day.

Red caviar

7 foods that are easy to get carried away and therefore suffer

Caviar, though occasionally it is recommended to add to your diet. It is a source of protein, vitamins, nutrients, and healthy fatty acids. Only have it in large quantities is very harmful, and not only because it can provoke allergies. Since the product spoils quickly, in a jar, manufacturers generously add preservatives. And due to a large amount of salt, red caviar in large quantities causing swelling.

Brazil nuts

Brazil nuts contain selenium – a trace mineral that is important for the body of any person. He is involved in the metabolism and improves digestion. However, this nut is also a source of small doses of radium. Norma Brazil nut for an adult is 2 nuts a day, for a child, to a maximum of 1.

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