7 facts about depression that everyone needs to know

Depression is more than sadness

Everyone gets sad about different things from time to time – and not just young people. But when we talk about depression, we are talking about something more than just sadness. Imagine: a person feels sadness so intense that it interferes with their daily life and causes symptoms such as loss of appetite, trouble sleeping, loss of concentration, and low energy levels. If any of these symptoms last longer than two weeks, something more serious than just sadness is probably going on.

Sometimes talking about depression isn’t enough.

Talking to friends and family is a great way to get through the day-to-day hustle and bustle of life. But when it comes to depression, things are a little more complicated. Depression is a medical condition that requires the treatment of professionals trained to deal with its causes and symptoms. Talking about how you feel with a trusted friend or family member can help in the short term, but the severity of depression shouldn’t be ignored. Doctors, psychologists, and psychiatrists can offer treatments and self-management strategies that your family can’t.

Depression can “cover” anyone

Indeed, depression can start after a difficult period, for example, after a breakup in a relationship or loss of a job, but this is not always the case. Depression can develop due to other factors, including genetics and chemical imbalances that occur in the brain, or negative thought patterns. This is why depression can affect anyone at any time, no matter what happens in their lives.

Getting help can be very difficult.

Depression can make a person feel completely helpless and rob them of the energy they need to ask for help. If you’re worried about your friend or loved one, you can offer support by encouraging them to talk to a specialist. If they can’t do this, ask them if they can talk to the doctor themselves.

There are many treatment options for depression

Look for a doctor that you are comfortable with, but keep in mind that it is quite common to meet several doctors before you find one you are happy with. It is important that you get along with him and trust him so that you can work together on a treatment plan and keep you healthy.

People don’t want to be depressed

People don’t want to be depressed just like they don’t want to get cancer. Therefore, advising a person with depression to simply “pull themselves together” is more harmful than helpful. If they could do that, they would have stopped feeling that way a long time ago.

Depression can be treated with the right help from a mental health professional. However, recovery takes a long time and will include many ups and downs. If you notice that someone is showing symptoms of depression, ask them how you can help and remind them that what they are going through is not their fault or choice.

Depression is not a sign of weakness

The belief that depression is a sign of weakness is a delusion. If you think about it, it doesn’t make much logical sense. Depression can affect anyone and everyone, even those who are traditionally considered “strong” or who have no obvious reasons for being depressed. The alleged link between weakness and depression makes it difficult for people with this form of the disease to get the help they need. This is why it is important to de-stigmatize mental illness and reinforce the fact that depression and other mental illnesses are not the result of a lack of willpower. In fact, the exact opposite is true: living with and recovering from depression requires a lot of personal strength.

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