4 main reasons why in marriage we gain weight

Agree; it’s a fairly common situation: a slender bride and groom, after a year or two of marriage, suddenly become like other people. He acquires tummy and grows outwards at the waist, and she’s been wearing fitted dresses, as they are likely to indicate defects than emphasize strengths.

Why are people so fast to gain weight in marriage? Psychologists have identified 4 main reasons.

1. The wife “means” food

4 main reasons why in marriage we gain weight

For many women, care means delicious and satisfying food. But often, this gets excessive volume. When the wife begins to overfeed her husband, offering large portions or cooking too much can emphasize their important role in the family (especially if she had to give up her career or move to another country).

Or so she can nonverbally indicate that she lacks care, saying, I care about you, and you?

2. Partners have found each other; there is no point in dieting

4 main reasons why in marriage we gain weight

People met each other, quite well each other learned. I learned that they both love to eat and plenty to eat and just decided to relax and indulge in their passion. There are those who whole life, a peaceful and full family life, as they say, in clover riding.

But most often, one of the partners needs to update the relationship and, horrified by its plump body, decides to stop. For another partner, it’s a big question. On this basis, there are many gaps. So it’s best if both go to the common goals, not “quietly and contentedly,” sit on the couch with a pizza.

3. Wife deliberately brings her husband “out of action.”

4 main reasons why in marriage we gain weight

Many women, frightened by stories about polygamous male nature, deliberately overfeed their husbands. Because when increasing weight, the self-esteem of men is reduced. He no longer looks around: all the same, nothing is possible for him. The wife is happy: her man belongs only to her and her delicious cuisine.

Then she can begin to rasp her husband, saying, a sport would do. Maybe even really engage in his rescue, if it caused health problems due to excess weight. And still, wife — the winner, and her husband — slave.

4. Joint dinners are the most welcome

4 main reasons why in marriage we gain weight

When the partners truly love each other, but employment does not allow them to be together for a long time, dinners on weekdays are the only time when you can talk. And, of course, wants to extend them.

Or the wife is busy all day with a small child and as a mother and grandmother once, honestly waiting for her husband from work, not having dinner without him. And we all know how treacherous late hearty suppers!

What should I do?

  • Eat! But do it with taste, savoring every bite, in any case not on the machine.
  • Evolve! Meeting another half, we do not cease to exist as individuals. So do not forget about yourself.
  • Speak! Awareness is the first step to its solution. Please talk with your partner and tell us what you don’t like in yourself or your relationship; think about making that life together was a joy.

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