16 Tips for Anti-Aging Nutrition

1. Eat 600 – 1200 g of fruits and vegetables daily

Choose from different types and colors of fruits and vegetables. Eat a large salad every day.

: Fruits and vegetables prevent cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death in women. Plus, these products contain a large amount of vitamins, minerals and other bioactive substances that slow down the aging process of the body.

2. Eat less processed grains

The fewer white rolls, cereal and polished rice, the better! Replace them with wholemeal brown bread, durum wheat pasta, brown rice and traditional oatmeal – all we need is about 500 grams of these foods per day.

: Complex carbohydrates, which are abundant in unrefined grains, are an essential source of energy.

3. Drink at least two cups of green tea a day

And in coffee and black tea it is better to limit yourself.

: Green tea is a champion in the content of catechins, which “preserve” the body, slowing down the aging process.


4. Drink a smoothie with berries

Drink a glass of berry smoothie every day.

: Berries are a storehouse of antioxidants that fight free radicals.

5. Eat 200-300 grams of fish and seafood per week

At the same time, try to diversify your menu as much as possible – try different breeds of fish and sea reptiles.

: fish and seafood contain omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, essential for heart and vascular health, and vitamins that slow down the aging process.

6. Eat less red meat

Especially pork, beef, veal and lamb. The norm is not more than 500 g per week.

: such meat in large quantities increases the risk of developing malignant neoplasms.

7. Eat 150 g of protein-rich foods daily

These include chicken, turkey, eggs, legumes, and low-fat cheese. If you exercise a lot, you need more protein – at the rate of 1,2 – 1,5 grams per kilogram of body weight per day.

: Protein is essential for muscle growth and strength, and the older a person is, the more protein he needs.

8. Less processed meat products are better.

Ready-made pates and smoked sausages are just a warehouse of preservatives, flavor enhancers, plus they contain too much salt.

: Preservatives are potential carcinogens, and due to the increased salinity, sausage companions can provoke pressure surges.

9. Take 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil daily

It should be virgin oil, usually sold in pharmacies. You need to store it in the refrigerator.

: Flaxseed oil is a valuable source of omega-3 acid, which slows down aging.

10. Limit the amount of butter

Use olive oil or canola oil for cooking.

: in vegetable oil, unlike an animal, there is no cholesterol, and replacing the second with the first reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis of the heart and blood vessels.

11. Eat nuts

Eat a small handful every day.

: Nuts are high in antioxidants, primarily vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acids.

12. Eat low-fat yogurt for breakfast and drink milk

Choose yoghurts with bifidobacteria. You need about 0,5 liters of milk per day. It is best to drink it after active workouts.

: milk and its derivatives are an excellent source of easily digestible protein. But watch out for the fat content of products – ideally, it should not exceed 0,5-1%.

13. One glass of alcohol a day is not a problem.

If you really want to, then you can afford to drink a glass of beer or wine a day. But no more!

: Moderate alcohol consumption reduces the risk of type XNUMX diabetes and cardiovascular disease in middle-aged and older people.

14. Limit sweets

There is no need to give up sweets altogether, but if there is, then the most useful – for example, a small piece of dark chocolate rich in flavonoids – are powerful antioxidants. Or a little bit of marshmallow – for all its sweetness, it is not too greasy.

: Simple carbohydrates cause blood sugar spikes, which overload the pancreas and can lead to type 2 diabetes. In addition, the love of sweets is an inevitable weight gain.

15. Drink 1,5 liters of liquid daily

The best options are water and green tea. Coffee and soda – the less the better, they dehydrate the body and wear out blood vessels. Drinking a cup of chamomile tea at night will help you relax.

: very often we do not feel in the best possible way, because the body does not have enough fluid. However, keep in mind – in large quantities, the same green tea flushes nutrients from the body. Therefore, it is better to seize it with dried fruits, which compensate for the deficiency of minerals in the body.

16. Don’t forget about nutritional supplements

In the fight against age, vitamin D and calcium are indispensable. It is paradoxical, but true: the older we get, the more we need these elements, which, by the way, improve the assimilation of each other in the body.

: Most people lack vitamin D, which is essential for vascular health. Calcium supplements are a good way to prevent the number one age-related scourge – osteoporosis. Take 1 tablet “Calcium + Vitamin D” per day.

: 3 capsules daily with meals.

: Fish oil is a source of omega-3, the required amount of which is difficult to obtain, even if there is enough fish and seafood on the menu. And omega-3 fatty acids help, in particular, to remain “sane and sober.”

: 1-3 capsules daily.

: bifidobacteria normalize the work of the stomach and intestines, help prevent dysbiosis and reduce the risk of developing problems with the heart and blood vessels.



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