10 most useful foods against aging

Preventing the aging process is impossible, but slowing it down and reducing the skin symptoms, improving its tone, is quite a realistic task. We already wrote about what foods steal the youth from our skin. Today let’s talk about foods the helpers.

Foods that are powerful antioxidants that contain natural oils, minerals, and vitamins required for the renewal of youth.


10 most useful foods against aging

Tomatoes contain lycopene and carotenoids; these substances will protect the skin from exposure to direct sunlight, which acts aggressively on your body. To get the maximum benefits of the tomato, they must be subjected to heat treatment. Tomato juice and tomato sauce should be on your menu regularly. You should buy a natural product with no added salt, sugar, and preservatives, or cook it yourself.

Pumpkin seeds

10 most useful foods against aging

Pumpkin seeds – a source of zinc, tryptophan, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Their use has a positive effect on skin elasticity and its ability to recover from injuries and cuts. Zinc protects the skin from UV light, smooths out wrinkles, and reduces inflammation: pumpkin seeds – a great tool in the fight against acne, eczema, and hair loss. Thanks to the tryptophan, you’ll sleep better, and your skin will look nourished and rested.


10 most useful foods against aging

Almonds are rich in flavonoids, vitamin E, L-arginine, polyunsaturated fatty acids. Fats and antioxidants, which are perfectly assimilated, will make your skin supple and smooth out fine lines and wrinkles. Just keep in mind that you should eat almonds along with the peel. It is the primary source of nutrients. Arginine is a substance that strengthens blood vessels and makes the skin color more uniform.

Fatty fish

10 most useful foods against aging

Red, white, and oily fish such as sardines, herring, mackerel, and salmon are sources of omega-3 fatty acids. If you are constantly going to include in the diet of such a fish, the skin’s inflammation decreases, the nails will cease to be brittle, the hair will not fall out, and the wrinkles on the face will appear much later and less.

Cocoa and chocolate

10 most useful foods against aging

The flavonoids found in cocoa and dark chocolate have an anti-inflammatory effect and help the body fight free radicals – the harmful effect of the environment, which leads to premature aging and skin aging. Also, do not forget about the ability of chocolate to boost your mood.


10 most useful foods against aging

Source of vitamin C, oils, antioxidants, acids, and flavonoids. Lemon will significantly increase the body’s resistance to external influences and adjust the acidity. Therefore, the toxins will be removed more efficiently, clears the skin’s pores, and makes it look healthier.


10 most useful foods against aging

Parsley also contains a lot of vitamin C and chlorophyll and carotenoids myristicin. She’s a good anti-inflammatory agent and an antioxidant that protects the cells in our body from harmful effects. Parsley is involved in the production of glutathione, which is responsible for the youth. Also, this greenness swelling and cleans the blood.


10 most useful foods against aging

This root is very important for the Mature organism. There is a lot of soluble fiber, potassium, folic acid, choline, carotenoids and hyaluronic acid. After eating beets good toxins the blood is purified and oxygenated skin.

Ginger root

10 most useful foods against aging

This spicy condiment is rich in cineol, citral a, the gingerol. Ginger is antibacterial, helps with inflammation, and promotes wound healing and restoration of damaged skin. Ginger stimulates blood circulation, and digestion supplies the skin with oxygen.


10 most useful foods against aging

Oil is a source of vitamins A, D, E, CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), and useful animal fat. Fats are important for proper immune system function and condition of the skin, saturating it with moisture. Butter is useful for the heart, brain, absorption of calcium, and helps build muscle.

Be healthy!

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